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Off Premise Transfer Application Form. This is a Maine form and can be use in Liquor Licensing And Inspection Division Statewide.
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Agency Relocation Application Rev. 3 /201 9 Page 1 Replace 6/2018 ON PREMISE RELOCATION APPLICATION Permanent License # : Expiration Date : Legal Name : Doing Business as : From : Current Physical Address To : New Physical Address Has the premises for which the transfer is requested been licensed by the Department of Human Services ? Yes No Requested Transfer Date : Contact Person: Telephone Number: Email address: ( Please Print ) Dated at: On , 20 City/Town, State Date Signature of Owner or Corporate Officer Printed name(s) TO STATE OF MAINE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS & COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Hereby certify that we have complied with Section 653 of Title 28 - A Maine Revised Statutes and hereby approve said application. Dated at: , Maine City/Town (County) On: Date The undersigned being: Municipal Officers County Commissioners of the City Town Plantation Unincorp orated Place of: , Maine Hereby certify that we have given public notice on this application and held public hearing thereon as required by Section 65 3 Title 28A, Maine Revised Statutes and herby approve said applicati on. Signature of Official(s) Printed name of Official(s) BUREAU OF ALCOHOL BEVERAGES AND LOTTERY OPERATIONS DIVISION OF LIQUOR LICENSING AND ENFORCEMENT 8 STATE HOUSE STATION, AUGUSTA, ME 04333 - 0008 (Regular Mail) 10 WATER STREET, HALLOWELL, ME 04347 (Overnight Mail) TEL: (207) 624 - 7220 FAX: (207) 287 - 3434 EMAIL INQUIRIES: MAINELIQUOR@MAINE.GOV American LegalNet, Inc. Agency Relocation Application Rev. 2/2019 Page 1 Replace 6/2018 THIS APPROVAL EXPIRERS IN 60 DAYS 18 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES 553 BUREAU OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND LOTTERY OPER ATIONS Chapter 4: Agency Liquor Store Relocation: Rules Governing the Process to Provide Input by Agency Liquor Stores in the same municipality of a Relocation Request SUMMARY: This rule establishes the process by which an agency liquor store in the same municipality as the agency liquor store licensee's proposed relocation may declare support of or objections to a proposed relocation. 1. Factors Considered by the Bureau. In accordance with 28 - A M.R.S. 247 453 - D, 452 and 18 - d Location of rs of operation, parking, square footage, services offered, selling area, handling (beer and wine sales), storage, be er and wine inventory, security and start up inventory, and submissions and response to submissions filed under this Rule. As part of its review of the relocation application the Bureau may consider sales data held for the Bureau by the entity awarded a co ntract under 28 - A M.R.S. 24790 for the preceding twelve (12) month period associated with the applicant agency and those agencies participating in the proceeding. 2. Record. The Bureau shall make part of the record the application, the municipal approval o f the relocation, proof of notice to the other agency ion and any submissions and response to submissions described in sections 8 a be made part of the record. 3. Appointment of a Final Decision Maker. reau in this proceeding. 4. Notice. The Bureau shall publish - the address listed in section 7 of this Rule. 5. Service of Notice of the Procee ding cant and all agency liquor stores in the municipality where relocation is requested. 18 - 553 Chapter 4 page 2 6. Content of Notice; Requirements on the Form and Format of Submissions and Response. Notice shall contain the following information: A. Deadline. For initial submission by agency liquor stores other than applicant, 15 calendars days from the date of the notice; for response from the sponse may address one (1) or more of the submissions that support or object to the proposed relocation. B. App ointment of Final Decision Maker. The name and email address of the Final Decision Maker appointed by the Director or the Dir designee. C. Content. Reference to content of submissions and response as set forth in Sections 8 of this Rule. D. Form a nd Format. Submissions must be filed on no more than 15 - single sided pages on 8275x11 paper with a Times New Roman 12 - point font in a PDF format. The submission must be filed electronically by email to the Final Decision Maker identified in the notice. The a submissions must be filed on no more than 5 - single sided pages on 81/2x11 paper with Times New Roman 12 - point font in PDF format. The response to submissions must be filed electronically by email to the Final Decision Maker identifi ed in the notice. 7. Posting of Submissions and Response. cyrelocation within 24 hours after the deadlines established under Section 6 of this Rule. A. response must provide information on how the relocation would benefit the spirits business in Maine, and must provide facts to support claims in favor of relocation of the applicant. B. For those objecting to relocation, the submission must provide inform ation on what impact the relocation will have on their agency liquor store business, and the submission must provide facts to support claims objecting to relocation of the applicant. 9. Decision by the Bureau. The Final Decision Maker shall render a writ ten decision on the application for relocation. The decision of the Bureau by the Final Decision Maker appointed under Section 2 of these rules constitutes final agency action and may be appealed pursuan t to 28 - A M.R.S 247453 - A, sub - 2477. STATUTORY AUTHORITY : 28 - A M.R.S. 247453 - D, sub - 2473 EFFECTIVE DATE: February 9, 2019 Filing 2019 - 029 American LegalNet, Inc.