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Qua l ified Catering Permit 8/2018 Replace 2/2017 Page 1 of 2 Qualified Catering Organization Application f or Catered Function (Note: This application is for Qualified Caterers ONLY. If you are a Class A Restaurant, Restaurant/Lounge, Lounge, Hotel, Club, or Bed & Breakfast please complete for m number 5.5 or 5.6.) The law requires the application to be submitted at least 24 Hours prior to the function, however a longer notice is appreciated to allow additional time for processing. License No.: Name of Qualified Caterer: DBA Name: Mailing Address: Town/ City: State: Z ip Code: T elephone: Fax: Email Address: Title and Purpose of Event: Is this a public or a private event? Location of Event: Physical Address of Event: Town/Cit y: State: Zip Code: Indoor Event Outside Event (IF OUTSIDE AREA, DIAGRAM MUST BE INCLUDED) Describe specific indoor and/or outdoor area to be licensed: Date of Event: Time : From: To: Name of Person or Entity contracting your services: Number of Persons Attending : Address: Town/City: State: Zip Code: Telephone Number: Signature of Licensee or Corporate Officer Date Print Name of Licensee or Corporate Officer Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations Division of Liquor Licensing and Enforcement 8 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 - 0008 (Regular Mail) 10 Water Street Hallowell, ME 04347 (Overnight Mail) Telephone: (207) 624 - 7220 Fax: (207) 287 - 3434 Email: American LegalNet, Inc. Qua l ified Catering Permit 8/2018 Replace 2/2017 Page 2 of 2 DIAGRAM In an effort to clearly define your license premise and the area that consumption and storage of liquor is allowed. Diagrams should be submitted on this form and should be as accurate as possible. Be sure to label the areas of your diagram that you are req uesting approval. Outdoor Catering Restrictions: 1. There must be a stanchion or fence completely enclosing the area. 3. There must be sufficient employees at the event to control and monitor the area. For Municipal Approval Only TO STATE OF MAINE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS & COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Hereby certify that we have complied with Section 653 of Title 28 - A Maine Revised Statutes and hereby approve said application. Dated at: , Maine ss City/Town (Co unty) On: Date The undersigned being: Municipal Offices County Commissioners of the City Town Plantation Unincorporated Place of: , Maine FOR USE ONLY BY DIVISION OF LIQUOR LICENSING & ENFORCEMENT RESTRICTIONS: [ ] APPROVED DATED : [ ] NOT APPROVED ISSUED BY: Signature of Officials Printed Name and Title American LegalNet, Inc. Qua l ified Catering Permit 8/2018 Replace 2/2017 Page 3 of 2 The Law 2471076. QUALIFIED CATERING SERVICES 1 . Issuance of licenses. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the bureau may issue licenses under this section for the sale of spirits, wine and malt liquor to be consumed on the premises to qualified catering services as defined in section 2, subsection 15, paragraph P. A. "Premises," as used in this section, means the premises where the qualified catering service is selling and serving liquor, ei ther its principal place of business or the premises where the event being catered is held. [1987, c. 342, 24797 (NEW).] [ 1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD) .] 2 . Compliance with local option decisions. The bureau may license only those qualified catering ser vices whose principal place of business is located in municipalities that have previously voted affirmatively on questions pertaining to on - premise sales provided in chapter 5. A. Every event catered by the qualified catering service must also be located in a municipality that has previously voted affirmatively on questions pertaining to on - premise sales provided in chapter 5. [1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD).] [ 1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD) .] 3 . Income from sale of food requirement. At least a minimu m amount of gross annual income must be from the sale of food for each qualified catering service . The income from sale of food requirement is based on the population of the municipality in which the qualified catering service is located. For purposes of t his section, "year - round" means operated for more than 6 months in a year. A. In municipalities having a population of over 50,000 persons : (1) Year - round qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of $50,000 a year from the sale of food to the public; and (2) Part - time qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of: (a) Thirty thousand dollars from the sale of food to the public if the catering service operates for more than 3 months but no more than 6 months in a year; a nd (b) Twenty thousand dollars from the sale of food to the public if the catering service operates for no more than 3 months in a year. [1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD).] B. In municipalities having a population of 30,001 to 50,000 persons : (1) Year - round qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of $40,000 a year from the sale of food to the public; and (2) Part - time qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of: (a) Twenty - five thousand dollars from the sale of food t o the public if the catering service operates for more than 3 months but no more than 6 months in a year; and (b) Twenty thousand dollars from the sale of food to the public if the catering service operates for no more than 3 months in a year. [1993, c. 41 0, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD).] C. In municipalities having a population of 20,001 to 30,000 persons : (1) Year - round qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of $30,000 a year from the sale of food to the public; and (2) Part - time qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of $20,000 from the sale of food to the public if the catering service operates for more than 3 months but no more than 6 months in a year. [1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD).] D. In municipalities having a population of 7,501 to 20,000 persons : (1) Year - round qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of $15,000 a year from the sale of food to the public; and American LegalNet, Inc. Qua l ified Catering Permit 8/2018 Replace 2/2017 Page 4 of 2 (2) Part - time qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of $10, 000 from the sale of food to the public if the catering service operates for no more than 6 months in a year. [1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD).] E. In municipalities having a population of 7,500 persons or less : (1) Year - round qualified catering services m ust have a minimum gross income of $5,000 a year from the sale of food to the public; and (2) Part - time qualified catering services must have a minimum gross income of $2,500 from the sale of food to the public if the catering service operates for no more than 6 months in a year. [1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD).] [ 1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD) .] 4 . Bureau determines applicant would probably qualify. The bureau may issue the license if it determines that the applicant for a new license would probably qualify. [ 1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD) .] 5 . Licensee for renewal must show proof of meeting income requirement. The bureau may not renew any license for the sale of liquor under this section unless the licensee furnishes the bureau with proof that th e previous year's business conformed to the income requirements of this section. [ 1993, c. 410, Pt. ZZ, 24720 (AMD) .] 6 . Income from vending machines not included. The income from the sale of food placed in vending machines must not be included in the min imum dollar requirements of this section. [ 1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW) .] 7 . Provision of liquor at places other than principal place of business. Licensed qualified catering services that would like to provide the service of liquor at locations other t han their principal places of business shall file an application with the bureau at least 24 hours in advance of any function or event at which liquor is to be sold or served. Application must be made on a form provided by the bureau and must contain the f ollowing: A. D