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PP-106 12/15/81 STATE OF MAINE CUMBERLAND COUNTY PROBATE COURT PORTLAND Location of Court In Re: Minor Upon hearing or after legal opportunity for hearing the court finds that a qualified person has been presented to this court to be appointed guardian of the above named minor, that venue is proper, that the required notices have given or waived, that the requirements of 18-A MRSA 247 5-204 have been met, and that the welfare and best interests of the minor will be served by the requested appointment. The court hereby appoints whose address is FULL/LIMITED (strike one) guardian of this minor and directs issuance of Letters of Guardianship to said guardian. If this is a LIMITED GUARDIANSHIP, the following limitations apply. 1 Upon hearing or after legal opportunity for hearing, the court finds that a qualified person has petitioned for the appointment of a conservator for the above named protected person; that venue is proper; that the required notices have been given out or waived; that the named person has assets requiring protective proceedings; that the named person is a person for whom appointment of a conservator is proper; that the person hereby appointed has priority pursuant to 18-A MRSA 247 5-410 over any other person known to desire appointment, and that the appointment of a conservator will be in the best interests of the protected person. The court hereby appoints whose address is as conservator of the estate and affairs of the protected person and directs issuance of Letters of Conservatorship to said conservator. A (personal)(corporate) surety bond in the amount of $ shall be filed and other security shall be posted as follows: 2 You shall file your inventory within 90 days according to law. 3 Dated this day of , 20 Judge of Probate DOCKET NO. APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AND CONSERVATOR OF MINOR American LegalNet, Inc. PP-106 12/15/81 Page 2 of 2 T 1 See 18-A MRSA 2475-105. 2 Strike personal or corporate unless either will satisfy the court. IF no security other than a bond is required, enter 223None224 after the word 223follows224 See 18-A MRSA 247247 5-411 and 5-412 3 See 18-A MRSA 247 5-418. Acceptance as guardian dated filed on Register of Probate Acceptance as guardian dated filed on Register of Probate MARP American LegalNet, Inc.