Appointment Of Temporary Guardian Of Minor {PP-104(T)} Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
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PP-104(T) (Rev. 7-1-06) STATE OF MAINE Cumberland COUNTY PROBATE COURT Portland Location of Court DOCKET NO. Pursuant to 18-A MRSA 247 5-207 the Court finds that circumstances exist warranting the appointment of a temporary guardian of the above named minor, that a qualified person has been presented to this court to be so appointed, that venue is proper, that the required notices have been given or waived, and that the welfare and best interests of the minor will be served by the requested appointment. The Court hereby appoints whose address is to be Temporary Guardian of the above minor, to serve until ,1 and directs issuance of Letters of Temporary Guardianship to said guardian. If this is a LIMITED GUARDIANSHIP, the following limitations apply:2 The reasons for this appointment are: Dated Judge of Probate 1 No temporary appointment may exceed six (6) months in duration. 18-A MRSA 247 5-207(c). 2 See 18-A MRSA 247 5-105. MARP In Re: Minor APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY GUARDIAN OF MINOR American LegalNet, Inc.