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DE-202 (Rev. 5/15/00) STATE OF MAINE PROBATE COURT Location of Court COUNTY PROBATE COURT DOCKET NO. Estate of ORDER: FORMAL PROBATE ONLY OR FORMAL PROBATE WITH APPOINTMENT Acting under the requirements of 18-A MRSA 247 3-409 and pursuant to an petition by dated , after notice in accordance with 18-A MRSA 247 3-403, and after hearing or Opportunity therefore, the court hereby finds: 1. That is dead; 2. That venue in this court is proper; 3. That the proceeding was timely commenced; and determines; 3A. That decedent was domiciled at death at 3B. That the heirs of the decedent are 3C. That decedent died testate with a valid will dated or 4. That there is no previous formal or informal probate proceeding with respect to decedent or 5. Other findings relating to probate. American LegalNet, Inc. DE-202 (Rev. 5-15-00) Page 2 of 2 6. The will should be and hereby is allowed. Strike (a) or (b). (a) NO APPOINTMENT IS SOUGHT OR (b) APPOINTMENT IS SOUGHT AND THE COURT MAKES THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL FINDINGS: 7. There is no previously appointed personal representative or 8. The petitioner requests that be appointed personal representative 9. Until further order of this court, this estate shall be unsupervised unless the word 223supervised224 is inserted here. If administration is to be supervised, the limitations and restrictions inserted here shall apply. 10. Other findings relating to appointment of personal representative. 11. Having considered the priority requirements of 18-A MRSA 247 3-203, the court believes the petitioner222s request for appointment should be granted and hereby grants the same and makes the appointment requested subject to the personal representative222s acceptance and filing of any required bond. Date Judge of Probate American LegalNet, Inc.