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DE-407 (Issued 9-26-02) STATE OF MAINE __________________ COUNTY PROBATE COURT Estate of ________________________________________ Deceased DOCKET NO. _____________ RENUNCIATION/NOMINATION1 I, ______________________________________________, having priority for appointment of personal representative equal to or greater than the person whose appointment is sought in the above captioned estate, do hereby: (Check applicable statements) ____ 1. Nominate _________________________________________________________________________ to be appointed personal representative. 2. Renounce my right to nominate a personal representative. 3. Renounce my right to be appointed personal representative. 4. Concur in nominating ________________________________________________________________, whose appointment is sought. 5. Waive notice thereon. ____ ____ ____ ____ Dated: ________________________________ __________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________ Printed or Typed Name __________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ 1 See 18-A MRSA � 3-203(c) I certify that no alteration has been made to the official form as most recently approved and promulgated by the Supreme Judicial Court. I also certify that I have met the standards under M.R.Prob.P. 84(b). _____________________________________ Preparer Signature ____________________________ Typed or Printed Name of Preparer MARP American LegalNet, Inc.