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DE-602 (Rev. 6/15/02) STATE OF MAINE COUNTY PROBATE COURT DOCKET NO. SWORN STATEMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE CLOSING ESTATE UNDER Estate of Deceased 18-A MRSA 247 3-10031 I, , the undersigned, verify as personal representative of this estate or successor thereof, the following to be true to the best of my knowledge: 1. Six months have expired since the date of original appointment or a personal representative and nine months have passed since the decedent222s date of death: 2. The time limit for the presentation of creditors222 claims has expired: 3. I further verify that I have: (Check (a) or (b) or both) (a) Fully administered the estate of the decedent by providing for the Homestead Allowance Exempt Property and Family Allowance; by making payment, settlement, or other disposition of all claims which were presented; by paying the expenses of administration and estate, inheritance, and other death taxes; and that the assets of the estate have been distributed to the persons entitled thereto; (b) Made the following provisions as permitted by 18-A MRSA 247 3-1003 (a) (2). 2 4. Sent a copy of this statement to all distributees, to all persons who would have a claim to succession under the testacy status upon which the personal representative is authorized to proceed, to all creditor or other claimants of whom the undersigned is aware whose claims are neither paid nor barred and to all persons who have filed a demand for notice; American LegalNet, Inc. DE-602 (Rev. 6/15/02) Page 2 of 2 5. Furnished a full account in writing of his administration to the distributees whose interests are affected thereby Dated Personal Representative 1 Statement may not be used in supervised administrative proceeding. Statement may be filed no earlier than six months after the date of original appointment of a general personal representative. 2 If any claims remain undischarged, the statement shall state whether the personal representative has distributed the estate subject to possible liability with the agreement of the distributees. It shall state in detail any other arrangements which have been made to accommodate outstanding liabilities. STATE OF MAINE COUNTY Date: Personally appeared this day the above-named and affirmed under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Before me, Notary Public/Register of Probate/Attorney at Law Typed or printed name of officer taking oath For Notary Public: Date Commission expires NOTICE TO RECIPIENTS If no proceedings involving the personal representative are pending in the Court one year after this statement is filed, the appointment of the personal representative terminates. American LegalNet, Inc.