Application For Termination For Foreign Corporation Qualification
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Application For Termination For Foreign Corporation Qualification Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in Business Entity Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Application For Termination For Foreign Corporation Qualification, Maryland Secretary Of State, Business Entity
Maryland Department of Assessments & Taxation Charter Division APPLICATION FOR TERMINATION OF A FOREIGN CORPORATION QUALIFICATION (Filing Fee $25) Pursuant to the provisions of Title 7-208 of the Corporations and Associations Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the undersigned corporation hereby applies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation for a certificate of termination from the State of Maryland; and as part of such Application the undersigned Corporation hereby certifies to the Department as follows: A.The name of the Corporation is: B.The street address of the principal office of the Corporation in the State of Maryland is (No P.O. Boxes): C.The name and street address of the resident agent in Maryland is (No P.O. Boxes): D.The Corporation no longer transacts any intrastate business in the State of Maryland,and wishes to terminate its qualification to do business. E.The Corporation has filed all reports as required by law and has paid all taxes due by itto the State and any of its political subdivisions as of the date of the application fortermination. President or Vice- President Dated I hereby consent to my designation in this document as resident agent for this corporation. Resident Agent Revised: June 2018 American LegalNet, Inc.