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Articles Of Revival For Domestic Corporation Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in Business Entity Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles Of Revival For Domestic Corporation, Maryland Secretary Of State, Business Entity
ARTICLES OF REVIVALFOR (Insert exact name of corporation as it appears on records of the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation) FIRST: The name of the corporation at the time the charter was forfeited was: . SECOND: The name which the corporation will use after revival is: . THIRD: The address of the principal office in the state of Maryland is: . FOURTH: The name and address of the resident agent is: . FIFTH: These Articles of Revival are for the purpose of reviving the charter of the corporation. SIXTH: At or prior to the filing of these Articles of Revival, the corporation has (a) Paid all fees required by law; (b) Filed all annual reports which should have been filed by the corporation if its charter had not been forfeited; (c) Paid all state and local taxes, except taxes on real estate, and all interest and penalties due by the corporation or which would have become due if the charter had not been forfeited whether or not barred by limitations. I hereby consent to my designation in this document as resident agent for this corporation. Signature esident Agent Note: Use A for signatures. If that procedure is unavailable see page 2 and use B, or if A & B are not available, use C. ONLY SIGN UNDER ONE SECTION. A.The undersigned who were respectively the last acting president (or vice president) and secretary (ortreasurer) of the corporation severally acknowledge the Articles to be their act. Last Acting President/Vice President Last Acting Secretary/Treasurer American LegalNet, Inc. Note: Use A for signatures. If that procedure is unavailable, use B on page 2, if A & B are not available, use C. ONLY SIGN UNDER ONE SECTION. (Use if A cannot be signed/acknowledged) B.The last acting president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer are unwilling or unable to sign andacknowledge these Articles; therefore, the undersigned who represent the lessor of a majority or 3 of thelast acting directors of the corporation severally acknowledge the Articles to be their act. Last Acting Director Last Acting Director Last Acting Director (Use if A and B cannot be signed/acknowledged) C.The last acting president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer of the corporation are unable or unwillingto sign the Articles. There are less than the required number of directors able and willing to sign theArticles, therefore, the undersigned who were elected as directors for the purpose of reviving the charterof the corporation severally acknowledge the Articles to be their act. Director Director Director American LegalNet, Inc. GUIDE FOR REVIVING THE CHARTER OF A MARYLAND CORPORATION I.Maryland Guidelines for Drafting Articles of Revival The enclosed guidelines for drafting Articles of Revival indicate the mandatory provisions which must beincluded in Articles of Revival in order for the document to be accepted by the Maryland State Department ofAssessments & Taxation (SDAT). The guidelines do not provide any aid in drafting optional provisions tomodify the Articles of Revival to suit specific situations. Furthermore, the guidelines do not provide any adviceon the legal aspects of reviving the charter of the corporation. II.Requirements of the Department to Revive the Charter of a Corporation All Personal Property Returns (Form 1) must be filed including the year in which the charter was forfeited. Theannual Personal Property Return filing fee has increased to $300 for most legal entities. All assessments generated from the personal property reports must be certified to the subdivisions where theproperty is located. All penalties for the late filing of the reports must be paid. All personal property taxes must be paid through the current year. If Articles of Revival are filed between January 1 and April 15, the current year's personal property report is notrequired to be filed. If Articles of Revival are filed between April 15 and September 30, the current year's personal property reportis required to be filed, but the personal property taxes generated from that report are not required to be paidprior to filing the Articles of Revival. If Articles of Revival are filed between October 1 and December 31, the current year's personal property reportmust be filed, assessments generated from the current year's personal property report must be certified to theappropriate subdivisions and the personal property taxes for the current year must be paid. A tax clearance certificate from each subdivision where assessments were certified must be submitted with theArticles of Revival and must indicate that the personal property taxes have been paid through the current year. NOTE: In order to inquire as to whether the personal property reports are current and/or which subdivisionsyou must make application to obtain tax clearance certificates, you should contact the *Business PersonalProperty division. A notarized affidavit signed by a representative of the corporation must accompany the Articles of Revival. An example of an acceptable affidavit is as follows: [ I, (insert name and title) of (insert name of corporation,) hereby declare that the previously mentionedcorporation has paid all State and local taxes except taxes on real estate, and all interest and penalties due bythe corporation or which would have become due if the charter had not been forfeited whether or not barred bylimitations.(Print name beneath signature) I, hereby certify that on (insert date) before me, the subscriber, a notary public of the State of Maryland, in andfor (insert name of county for which notary is appointed,) personally appeared (insert name of personswearing) and made oath under the penalties of perjury that the matters and facts set forth in this affidavit aretrue to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. As witness my hand and notarized seal (signature of notary public). My Commission expires M/D/Y] The fee to file Articles of Revival for all corporations is $100. American LegalNet, Inc. III.Guidelines for Accepted Format of Articles of Revival The Articles should be typed on standard size white paper, at least 8275 x 11 inches and not larger than legal size paper 8275 x 14 inches. Sample Articles of Revival: Insert name of corporationFirst: The name of the corporation at the time the charter was forfeited was:Second: The name which the corporation will use after revival is:Third The name and address of the resident agent are:Fourth: These Articles of Revival are for the purpose of reviving the charter of the corporation.Fifth: At or prior to the filing of these Articles of Revival, the corporation has:oPaid all fees required by law.oFiled all annual reports which should have been filed by the corporation if its charter had not beenforfeited.oPaid all state and local taxes, except taxes on real estate, and all interest and penalties due bythe corporation or which would have become due if the charter had not been forfeited whether ornot barred by limitations.Sixth: The address of the principal office in this state is:Note: Only required if the principal office222s address is different from the principal office address at the time of the forfeiture of the charter. Execution of Articles of Revival: I hereby consent to my designation in this document as resident agent for this corporation.Signed by Resident Agent Note: Use only one of the following three acknowledgments: The Articles should be signed and acknowledged by the last acting president or vice-president andsecretary or treasurer of the corporation. The following acknowledgment would be suitable:The undersigned who were respectively the last acting president (or vice-president) and secretary (or treasurer) of the corporation severally acknowledge the Articles to be their act. Last Acting President (or Vice-President) and Last Acting Secretary (or Treasurer) If the officers authorized to sign and acknowledge the Articles are unable or unwilling to do so, the lesser of amajority or three (3) of the last acting directors may sign and acknowledge them. The followingacknowledgment would be suitable: The last acting president, vice-president, secret