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Petition For Review Of Real Property Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in Business Entity Secretary Of State.
Tags: Petition For Review Of Real Property, Maryland Secretary Of State, Business Entity
MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS AND TAXATION Use this form to file a Petition for Review or New Owner Appeal of the valuation or classification of real property. This form must be completed in full and signed by the property owner or an authorized representative or, in limited cases, a third party. Further information about the appeal process can be found on the Department222s website By filing a Petition for Review, any open appeals for previous tax years will only be effective for those tax years prior to the effective tax year for this Petition for Review. APPEAL TYPE [ ] Petition for Review - Check if you are requesting an appeal of your property out of the normal assessment cycle. A Petition for Review must be filed on or before the first business day following January 1, for the next upcoming taxable year starting July 1. [ ] New Owner Appeal - Check if property was transferred to you between January 1 and June 30. Appeal must be filed on or before 60 days from the date of transfer. (Transferred means the date the instrument that gave you ownership was recorded, unless you submit copies of an instrument evidencing a different transfer date.) PROPERTY ADDRESS: PROPERTY ACCOUNT NUMBER (if known): Indicate if you are the [ ] Owner or [ ] Representative of Owner or [ ] Third Party (Select one) A Third Party can be selected only for a Petition for Review and if you are neither the property owner or an owner222s authorized representative. Note that the property owner will be informed of the filing of this Petition and the resulting decision. Full name of current owner(s): Mailing Address of Current Owner(s): If you are the owner, is this mailing address to be used by the Department as your primary mailing? [ ] Yes [ ] No If you are not the Owner, provide your full name, position, company, and mailing address. Include copy of a letter of authorization if not filing as a Third Party: Are you appealing the [ ] value or [ ] classification of this property? (Select one)Has the property been appraised in the previous 3 years? [ ] No [ ] Yes; If yes, indicate appraised value $If this property is income producing, include copies of income and expense statements for the previous three calendaryears. Income & expense forms are available on the Department222s website. Income and expense information must besubmitted at the Supervisor's level of appeal, or you may not challenge the assessment of your property on the basis of theincome method at later appeal levels (Tax Property Article 24714-508).Please indicate your appeal preference below: (Select one)[ ] In Person 226 Office will notify you of a scheduled date and time in which to appear in person.[ ] By Phone 226 Office will notify you of a scheduled date and time in which to call into the office.[ ] Written 226 You do not wish to appear for a scheduled hearing, but desire the above information to be considered uponreview of the property222s valuation or classification (include any related documentation or pictures).If written, please state the reason(s) you feel the value or classification of this property is incorrect; if necessary, attachadditional pages or documentation: I declare under the penalties of perjury that the statements contained herein have been examined by me, and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, are true, correct, and complete. Signature Daytime Telephone Number Date This form seeks information for the purpose of reviewing the value of the indicated property. Failure to provide this information may result in denial of your request. Note that as a result of this request, the property222s current market value may also be increased by the Department. Information submitted in an appeal m ay be considered part of the "personal record" as defined in State Government Article, 24710-624. Consequently, you have the statutory right to inspect your file a nd to file a written request to correct or amend any information you believe to be inaccurate or incomplete. Personal information provided to the State D epartment of Assessments and Taxation is not generally available for public review. However, this information is available to officials of the State, County, or Municipality in their official capacity and to taxing officials of any State or the federal government, as provided by statute. Additionally, if your property would be used by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation as a comparable for purposes of establishing the value of another property in a hearing before the M aryland Tax Court, the requested information, or a portion thereof, may have to be provided to the owner of that other property. American LegalNet, Inc.