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Page 1 of 2PlaintiffDefendantI, , representing myself, state that:1. I am the mother father orRelationship (for example, aunt, grandfather, guardian, etc.)Date of BirthNameNameNameNameDate of BirthDate of BirthDate of BirthMOTION TO MODIFY CHILD SUPPORTDate of BirthNameNameDate of Birth2. On the Circuit Court for issued an order in case number , ordering to pay $ weekly biweekly monthly toward the support of the child(ren).DateCity or CountyNameAmount(Check One)3. Since that Order, circumstances have changed (check all that apply):CC-DR-006 (Rev. 07/2018)City, State, ZipTelephoneCity, State, ZipTelephonevs.NameAddressName CIRCUIT COURT FOR , MARYLANDCase No.City/CountyLocated atExpenses for the child(ren) have substantially increased (explain):Expenses for the child(ren) have substantially decreased (explain):Father's Mother's income has substantially increased (explain):Father's Mother's income has substantially decreased (explain): Child(ren) is no longer entitled to receive child support because (check all that apply): the child died; the child is married; the child is emancipated; the child has graduated from or is no longer in high school; the child has reached the age of 19.Other changes have occurred (explain):Address American LegalNet, Inc. I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing paper are true tothe best of my knowledge, information, and belief. DateSignatureFOR THESE REASONS, I request the court (check all that apply): Order an increase in child support. Order a decrease in child support. Order child support to be paid (check one): Through the local support enforcement agency. Directly to the person who has custody. Order to provide health insurance for the child(ren). Order any other appropriate relief.005Page 2 of 2CC-DR-006 (Rev. 07/2018)Name X X IMPORTANT: YOU MUST COMPLETE A FINANCIAL STATEMENT WITH THIS FORM(Use Financial Statement (Child Support Guidelines) (CC-DR-030) or Financial Statement(General) (CC-DR-031).) American LegalNet, Inc.