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Screening Cases For Suitability For Mediation - Pleadings Stage Screening Tool Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in Circuit Court Statewide.
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Tags: Screening Cases For Suitability For Mediation - Pleadings Stage Screening Tool, CM-18, Maryland Statewide, Circuit Court
Screening Cases for Suitability for Mediation
Case Caption: _____________________________
Case Number:_____________________________
Screening Date:___________________________
Screener (Name):__________________________
Document to
be Examined
Additional Inquiry
1. DCIR Forms
A. Under the section “Alternative Dispute Resolution
Information” did the party indicate NO to any form of
If the party checks YES to
mediation, and NO to other
forms of ADR, they may be
suggesting only mediation is
appropriate and not other
types. If they check NO to
some types of ADR, but
there appear to be no
references to family violence
issues, and no indication as
to why mediation is not
appropriate, it may be
necessary to telephone
counsel or the party for
clarifying information.
G Party or counsel believes
G Party or counsel identified the
B. Under the final section “Is there an allegation of
physical or sexual abuse of party or child?” the party or
counsel have indicated “YES.”
2. Complaint /
Petition or Motion
A. Related Case Information:
I. Does the party list any domestic violence, peace
order cases, Child In Need of Assistance cases from
Maryland or other states that might suggest there has
been a history of family violence?
mediation is inappropriate
because of family violence
issues or other safety concerns.
presence of abuse allegations.
If the cases are old, it might
be appropriate to contact
counsel to gauge their sense
of whether mediation is
G There are cases known to the
court that suggest a history of
family violence.
If either party is selfrepresented it might be
advisable to call the parties
or bring the parties in for
individual in-person
II. Does the party list any related domestic cases or
other case types?
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If the party lists other related
cases, it might be necessary
to look those up in the
court’s information system to
see if they include
allegations of domestic
violence or child abuse, or
suggest a history of family
American LegalNet, Inc.
CM 18 - July 2005
2. Complaint /
Petition or Motion
G The grounds for divorce
B. Grounds (Divorce Cases only):
I. Does either party seek a divorce on the grounds of
cruelty or excessively vicious conduct against him or
herself or the minor child?
suggest that there is a history
of family violence.
II. Does either party seek a divorce on the grounds of
criminal conviction where the underlying complaint stems
from family violence or abuse of a child?
III. Does either party seek a divorce on the grounds of
constructive desertion where the underlying allegations
refer to family violence or abuse of a child?
C. Allegations:
Read the factual allegations detailed in the petition.
Does the party state any facts that suggest that the
complaining party, the opposing party or a child have
been the victim of abuse, or are at risk of harm?
G A party has alleged facts
D. Forms of Relief:
Even when a party has not stated that they or their
children have been a victim of family violence, or are at
risk of harm, they may seek forms of relief which put the
court on notice. Does the party request some type of
stay-away order, no contact provision, or protection from
threats or actual harm?
3. Answer
If facts are alleged that raise
a concern about the safety
of either party or a child, but
it is not clear whether or not
there is risk, it may be wise
to request both parties
appear in court for an
individual, in-person safety
If some type of protective
relief is requested, but no
facts are stated that support
those forms of relief, it may
be wise to request both
parties appear in court for an
individual, in-person safety
G A party has requested
A. Affirmations, Denials and Other Allegations:
I. Does the answering party confirm allegations of
which suggest that one or
more parties, or a child may
have been a past victim of
violence or at risk of future
protective relief of some type,
suggesting that there is a
history of family violence.
G The answering party affirms or
has not denied allegations
suggesting a history of family
violence or future risk of harm.
G The answering party has
II. Does the answering party allege new facts that
suggest a history of family violence or future risk of harm?
alleged new facts suggesting
a history of family violence or
future risk of harm.
G The answering party has
identified cases suggesting a
history of family violence.
III. Does the answering party refer to any other related
cases that suggest a history of family voilence?
4. Other
Review other documents in the file that may be relevant to
determining if there are family violence issues that would
suggest the case was inappropriate for mediation.
G Other documents in the file
suggest the presence of family
violence issues.
NOTE TO SCREENER: If one or more conclusions are checked, the case is NOT appropriate for mediation.
Based on a review of pleadings only, this case MAY BE APPROPRIATE for mediation or other forms of ADR.
This case is NOT APPROPRIATE for mediation or other forms of ADR.
This case requires in-person, individualized screenings to determine if mediation or ADR would be appropriate.
NOTE: This screening was based on a review of the pleadings only and may NOT have identified all
possible domestic violence issues.
American LegalNet, Inc.
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CM 18 - July 2005