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Request For Waiver Of Appearance Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in Circuit-District Court Statewide.
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Tags: Request For Waiver Of Appearance, CC-DC-DV 19, Maryland Statewide, Circuit-District Court
CIRCUIT COURT DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FOR Court Address City/County Located at Petitioner Case No. vs. Respondent REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF APPEARANCE 1. Petitioner has filed a Petition for Protection from Domestic Violence. 2. Petitioner was granted a Temporary Protective Order on 3. The hearing for a Final Protective Order was scheduled for Date . . Date 4. The hearing for a Final Protective Order was continued for lack of service on the Respondent. 5. The Petitioner agrees to inform the Clerk's Office in writing immediately of any changes in mailing address and telephone number. 6. The Petitioner agrees to participate in the Vine Protective Order Service Program. (See contact information at bottom of form.) 7. The Petitioner agrees to confirm the date of the Final Protective Order hearing by contacting the Court after being notified the Petition and Temporary Protective Order were served on the Respondent. The Petitioner requests the Court waive Petitioner's appearance until the Respondent is served with the Petition and Temporary Protective Order. Date Telephone Number Petitioner Printed Name Fax E-mail Address City, State, Zip ORDER GRANTING REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF APPEARANCE It is ORDERED, the appearance of the Petitioner at the Final Protective Order hearing in this matter is waived until service of the Temporary Protective Order and Petition for Protection is effectuated upon the Respondent; the Petitioner is required to register with the VINE Protective Order Service Program (VPO) in order to receive notification of service on the Respondent; the Petitioner is advised to confirm the date of the final protective order hearing by contacting the court promptly after being notified the Respondent was served; the clerk is to promptly mail any new extended temporary orders issued to the Petitioner; the Temporary Protective Order may be extended as needed in accordance with � 4-505(c) of the Family Law Article. Date Judge ID Number NOTICE TO PETITIONER: Failure to comply with the requirements in this Order may result in not being notified of a hearing in which your attendance is required and that failure to attend may result in the dismissal of your petition. The Maryland VINE is a service provided by the Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention, and the Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services. To register with VPO, call 1-877-846-3420 (toll free) or go online to: CC-DC-DV-019 (Rev. 07/2015) American LegalNet, Inc.