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324 FORM RESIDENT/NON-RESIDENT DEALER BEER TAX RETURN Complete form in duplicate. Retain second copy. Business Name T/A Name Street Address Permit Number City State ZIP Code Office Use Only Check Number __________ Amount $ _____________ Deposit Date____________ nD- Email Address Beer Tax DeTerminaTion Summary of Beer Deliveries into maryland a Consignee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 Total Gallons (Columns B and D, Lines 1 through 16) Total gallons tax paid per foreign beer release(s) Credits or balance due from previous Net gallons of beer subject to tax (line 17 minus line 18, plus or minus line 19) Beer tax per gallon $.09 Net tax due (Line 20 x Line 21) B Gallons 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Reporting Month (MM/YYYY) C Consignee D Gallons x $ .09 Affidavit I do solemnly declare and affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing document are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Signature Title-Owner, Partner, Officer Date COM RAD 324 08/13 American LegalNet, Inc. 324 FORM RESIDENT/NON-RESIDENT DEALER BEER TAX RETURN InstrUCtIOns This return, together with remittance of tax due, shall be properly filed and physically received by the Revenue Administration Division no later than the 15th day of the month following the month which the return covers. The return shall be submitted with Form COM/RAD 323. Remittance shall be in the form of a check or money order payable to the "Comptroller of Maryland". Column Line A&C 1-16 From individual forms COM/RAD 323, insert the name of the consignee within the State of Maryland. Insert the number of gallons delivered to each consignee, as indicated on line 30 column 16, Form COM/RAD 323. Insert on this line the total of column B (lines 1-8) plus column D (lines 9-16). List on this line the total gallons for which the tax was paid by foreign beer release(s) issued by the Revenue Administration Division. List on this line plus or minus adjustments to your return as may be discussed and agreed upon with a representative of the Revenue Administration Division. Insert the total of line 17 minus line 18, plus or minus line 19. This line shows the Maryland beer tax rate. Multiply line 20 by line 21 and insert the result (net tax due). Contact Information: COMPTROLLER OF MARYLAND REVENuE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION ALCOhOL TAx PO BOx 2999 ANNAPOLIS MD 21404-2999 410-260-7127 FAx 410-260-7924 B&D 1-16 17 18 19 20 21 22 The completed form COM/RAD 324 must be signed by the owner, partner or officer of the corporation. If this is a corporation, an officer (President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer) must sign. COM RAD 324 08/13 American LegalNet, Inc.