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Comptroller of Maryland MATT Regulatory Division Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Louis L. Goldstein Treasury Building P.O. Box 2999 Annapolis, Maryland 21404-2999 Order for Additional Vehicle Identification Cards by Holder of a Public Transportation; Public Storage & Transportation; or Individual Transportation Permit (DO NOT MAKE ORIGINAL APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ON THIS FORM) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Number VID YR Date Issued Approved Date Approved Date Section 1. A) Permit Number: PT ST IT B) Name as it appears on your permit: C) Address: (street & number) (city) (zip code) (county) (state) Section 2. (FEE OF $10.00 PER IDENTIFICATION MUST ACCOMPANY THIS ORDER) Number of ADDITIONAL vehicles requiring identification: Tractors: Straight Trucks: Total Vehicles: Total Fee Enclosed: $ Section 3. (Signed) (Title) (Date) COM/ATT-010-2 Rev. 7/07 Mail This Form With Remittance To: Comptroller of Maryland, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Office, P. O. Box 2999 Louis L. Goldstein Treasury Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21404-2999 American LegalNet, Inc.