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The Judgment Creditor further requests that the Defendant or bringthe following: It is further ORDERED that if any records are requested above, you are to bring those records. No previous examination has been held. I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the matters and facts set forth in the foregoing Request are trueto the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. The Judgment Creditor requests the Court to order the Defendant to appear for examination under oath.DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FORServe by SheriffSend by Restricted Delivery MailLocated atCase No.City/CountyCourt AddressPlaintiff/Judgment CreditorAddressDefendant/Judgment DebtorAddressvs. Complaint #REQUEST FOR ORDER DIRECTING DEFENDANT OR OTHER PERSON TO APPEAR FOREXAMINATION IN AID OF ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT(Md. Rule 3-633) The Court entered judgment in favor of the Judgment Creditor on , which was at least30 days ago, in the amount of $ . No payments have been made.OriginalRenewal Previous examination was held on . Additional examination is requested becauseDC-CV-032 (Rev. 05/2018) DateDateSignature of Plaintiff/Attorney/Attorney CodePrinted NameTelephone NumberFaxAddressCity, State, ZipE-mail I agree to promptly notify the Court if payment is made.City, State, ZipCity, State, Zip..ORDER DIRECTING DEFENDANT OR OTHER PERSON TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINATIONIN AID OF ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT Upon the foregoing Request, is ordered to appearin person before a judge of this Court, at the location shown above, on atto be examined under oath concerning any assets, property or credits of the Debtor.DateJudgeID NumberNOTICE TO PERSON SERVED: If you refuse or without sufficient excuse neglect to obey this ORDER, you may bepunished for contempt. If you pay the amount of the judgment prior to the hearing date, you must notify the Court; however,formal written notice must be received from the Plaintiff.To request a foreign language interpreter or a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act,please contact the court immediately. Possession and use of cell phones and other electronic devices may be limited orprohibited in designated areas of the court facility.Serve by Private Process The Judgment Creditor requests the Court to orderto appear for examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment pursuant to Maryland Rule 3-633.TO:NameAddressCity, State, Zip The facts supporting this request are:Complete if Judgment Creditor requested an examination of the same person within the previous 12 monthsDateTimeCounty American LegalNet, Inc. The Judgment Creditor may request that you bring all papers, books, accounts in your possession, custody or controlrelating to your personal assets, income, expenditures, property, credits and business transactions since the date of , including but not limited to bank books, checking account records, income taxreturns and records of purchases of automobiles, television sets, household furnishings, real estate, silverware andjewelry.SUGGESTED LIST OF ITEMS WHICH CAN BE REQUESTED: American LegalNet, Inc.