Request To File Notice Of Lien
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Request To File Notice Of Lien Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
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Tags: Request To File Notice Of Lien, DC-CV 35, Maryland Statewide, District Court
DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FOR City/County Located at Court Address Plaintiff/Judgment Creditor Case No. Defendant/Judgment Debtor vs. Address City, State, Zip Address City, State, Zip (Md. Rules 3-621 and 3-622) A judgment in the above case was entered on in the amount of $ plus attorney's fees of $ and costs of $ . Please file a Notice of Lien in the Circuit Court for the county in which judgment was entered. Please file a Notice of Lien of the judgment with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for and transmit a certified copy of judgment to the District Court of that county. Please forward to District Court of Maryland for to be recorded in that county (Md. Rule 3-622). Please record the judgment. Date Fax E-mail Telephone Number Signature of Plaintiff/Attorney/Attorney Code Printed Name Address City, State, Zip CPF No. REQUEST TO FILE NOTICE OF LIEN NOTICE OF LIEN OF ATTACHMENT BEFORE JUDGMENT (Md. Rule 3-115) To the Clerk of the Circuit Court for County: I HEREBY CERTIFY that an Attachment Before Judgment on Real Estate was levied in the above case, on real estate described as Date Clerk NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT (Md. Rule 3-621) To the Clerk of the Circuit Court for County: I HEREBY CERTIFY that the following judgment has been recorded in this Court in the above entitled case: Judgment Against: Judgment in Favor of: Judgment Ordered On: Judgment Entry Date: Amount of Judgment Principal: Pre-Judgment Interest: Appearance Fee: Filing Fee: Other Fee: Service Fee: Attorney Fee: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Date $ Total Judgment: Post-judgment interest at the contractual rate until date of maturity of contract and legal rate thereafter Legal rate Clerk NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OR RENEWAL OF LIEN NO. (Md. Rule 3-622 or Rule 3-115) To the Clerk of the Circuit Court for I HEREBY CERTIFY that the following subsequent action has taken place concerning the above lien: Dissolved on Set aside on Modified on Renewed on Date Clerk American LegalNet, Inc. County: DC-CV-035 (Rev. 09/2016)