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Petition For Remission Of Bond Forfeiture Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Petition For Remission Of Bond Forfeiture, DC-CR 135, Maryland Statewide, District Court
The bond in the amount of $ be remitted toThe defendant was is confined atoutside the State and the State's Attorney is unwilling toissue a detainer and extradite the defendant. Upon expiration of the out of state sentenceassures the defendant's return to Maryland at no expense to the state, county or municipal corporation. Documentation attached.On, the posted bail was ordered forfeited as a result of the defendant's failure to appear and the courtordered the forfeited bail to be paid within 90 days or 180 days.On, the defendant,, was arrested in the above-captioned case.On, the petitioner posted a bond (Power # (if applicable))in the amount of $for the appearance of the defendant in the above-captioned case. UPON consideration of this petition, it is ORDERED that the petition is denied. ORDERED that the petition is granted and the amount of the penalty sum, less any expenses of the state in producing thedefendant, be remitted as requested. ORDERED that a hearing on the matter be set for at AM PM and thatall parties be notified to appear.On, the forfeited bail was paid in the amount of $, plus any required interest, and thepayment was was not within the time ordered by the court.The petitioner is a professional bail bondsmen a surety insurer a bonding company engaged in the bonding business inthe State of Maryland the defendant an individual who posted a cash bond for the defendant without charging a fee. The petitioner, petitions the court for remission of bond forfeiture in theabove-captioned case pursuant to Criminal Procedure 247 5-208 and Maryland Rule 4-217. The facts in support of this petition are asDISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FORCity/CountyCourt Address PETITION FOR REMISSION OF BOND FORFEITURE(Criminal Procedure 247 5-208)NameDC-CR-135 (Rev. 11/2018)DateNameI HEREBY SWEAR AND AFFIRM, under penalties of perjury, that the statements above are true and correct.Petitioner/Petitioner's Attorney SignatureCERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thisday of,, a copy of this petition was mailed, postage prepaid,to the Office of the State's Attorney forat.MonthYearPetitioner/Petitioner's AttorneyCity/CountyName & AddressSocial Security #/Federal ID #DateDateDateStreet Address, City, State, Zip CodeDateORDERDateJudgeAddress CityStateZip Telephone No.,7.The defendant was incarcerated when the judgment of forfeiture was entered and the court struck the judgment of forfeiture due tofraud, mistake, or irregularity. Documentation attached.8.Correctional FacilitySuretyfor the following reasons:The defendant was returned to court on and the return occurred within beyond the time the forfeitedbail was ordered to be paid.Date6.Located atCase No.CPF ID No.ID Numberfollows: American LegalNet, Inc.