Petition To Strike Bond Forfeiture Or Extend Period For Satisfaction
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Petition To Strike Bond Forfeiture Or Extend Period For Satisfaction Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Petition To Strike Bond Forfeiture Or Extend Period For Satisfaction, DC-CR 37, Maryland Statewide, District Court
ORDERED that after payment by surety of expenses, if any, of $, the bondforfeiture set out above be stricken be stricken and bond reinstated.SuretyAddressCityStateZipPETITION TO STRIKE BOND FORFEITURE EXTEND PERIOD FOR SATISFACTION Your petitioner respectfully represents unto this court as follows: Your petitioner is is not a surety engaged in the bonding business in the State of Maryland. On theday of,, the defendant was released on bond in theamount of $. The above case was set for preliminary inquiry preliminary hearing trial, on theday of ,, and the defendant was notified by your petitioner to appear and failedto appear on the date of trial. The bond was forfeited on theday of,, and a bench warrant was issued. The defendant was apprehended byon and is now in the custody of. The above case has been re-set for trial on the day of,. All charges were disposed of by nol pros stet dismissal trial on. At the time of the trial the defendant was detained inand has been since. The bench warrant has been placed as a detainer. Your petitioner requests: The bond forfeiture in the amount of $in the above entitled case be stricken. The time for satisfaction of the forfeiture be extended for an additional 90-day period for the following reason:DatePetitioner/AttorneyStreet AddressCity, State, ZipNOTICE OF HEARING PURSUANT TO PETITION TO STRIKE BOND FORFEITURE OREXTEND PERIOD FOR SATISFACTION You are hereby notified that a hearing on this petition will be held onatin Courtroom at. DC-CR-037 (Rev. 1/2018) Power No.:YearYearYearYear(see attachment)To request a foreign language interpreter or a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with DisabilitiesAct, please contact the court immediately. Possession and use of cell phones and other electronic devices may belimited or prohibited in designated areas of the court facility.DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FORLocated atCase No.City/CountyCourt Address vs.DefendantSTATE OF MARYLAND(Criminal Procedure 247 5-208 and Md. Rule 4-217)Printed NameTimeDateTelephoneFaxE-mailORDER TO STRIKE BOND FORFEITURE OR EXTEND PERIOD FOR SATISFACTIONUPON consideration of this petition, it isDateJudgeID NumberORDERED that the petition be and is hereby denied.ORDERED that the time for satisfaction of the bond forfeiture set out above be extended for an additional90 days from the date the forfeiture was entered.CPF ID No. American LegalNet, Inc.