Motion And Certificate Of Service And Order
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Motion And Certificate Of Service And Order Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Motion And Certificate Of Service And Order, DC 2, Maryland Statewide, District Court
It is hereby ORDERED: DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FORLocated at Case No.Court AddressCity/CountyMOTIONI am the attorney for plaintiff defendant other - specify:Request hearing on MotionCERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I served a copy of this Motion upon the following party or parties by mailing first class mail, postageprepaid hand delivery, on to:NameDateAddressSignature of Party ServingORDERthe relief requested be grantedthe relief requested is deniedDateJudgeDC-002 (Rev. 11/2018)DateID NumberSTATE OF MARYLANDDefendant/Judgment DebtorORvs.Plaintiff/Judgment CreditorAddressCity, State, ZipCity, State, ZipTrial Datethe hearing on Motion be set for at at the following location:NameAddressComments:Printed NameDateSignatureAddressTelephoneFaxEmailCPF ID No.Address American LegalNet, Inc.