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Request For Attorney Code-Address Change Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Request For Attorney Code-Address Change, DC 30, Maryland Statewide, District Court
INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS: A)WHEN DO YOU USE THIS FORM? Use it ONLY in a non-MDEC District Court civil case to request:1.a District Court Attorney Code; change an attorney address in that civil case. *This form cannot be used to notify the Court of Appeals or other entities of your address change. 1.New Applicant: To be assigned a District Court Attorney Code, for a non-MDEC civil case in District Court,complete the "Name and Address" section on the following page. 2.Change of Name/Address/Firm Name: To update the information for your existing District Court civil attorney code,complete the "Current Address" and "Former Address" section. Use this category when you are changing your name, yourfirm's address, or if you are going to a new firm and taking ALL cases where you are the attorney-of-record. 3.New Code: Request a new code if you leave your current firm and take SOME of your cases with you. To update thesecases with your new code, notify the District Court location where you filed the case. Your former firm must requestattorney code changes for the cases you leave with the former firm. 4.Additional Code: Use when you have multiple addresses. Use a separate form for each code that you request.Return the form to: District Court of Maryland Headquarters Attorney Records Maryland Judicial Center 580 Taylor Avenue, A-3 Annapolis, Maryland 21401 (or fax to: 410-260-1252) (or e-mail to: Please review this information for accuracy. In some instances abbreviations may be used to accommodate the allowable space in a field. If those truncations do not meet with your approval or you have any questions, please call District Court Attorney Records at 410-260-1636. DC - 030 (Rev. 0 3 /2019 ) DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND HEADQUARTERS MARYLAND JUDICIAL CENTER 580 TAYLOR AVENUE, A-3 ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND 21401 410-260-163 6Fax 410-260-1252 FOR DISTRICT COURT CIVIL CASES IN NON - MDEC JURISDICTIONS ONLY To submit this form by e - mail, please click the 223Send as E - mail Attachment224 box at the bottom of the form. REQUEST FOR DISTRICT COURT ATTORNEY CODE/ADDRESS CHANGE Civil cases 226 Non - MDEC j urisdiction Page 1 of 2 B)WHAT IS THE ATTORNEY CODE USED FOR? The District Court uses this code in non-MDEC jurisdictions to:streamline data entry;set up an easily editable record of your name, address, and phone number; andautomatically update attorney information in all cases in which the Attorney Code is used.As MDEC is implemented in each jurisdiction, the District Court Attorney Code will become obsolete in thatjurisdiction and the Attorney Information System (AIS) number will be used. Information can be found TO USE THIS FORM. American LegalNet, Inc. Name Firm Street Name Firm Street Name Firm Street Name Firm Street Name Firm Street City State Zip State Zip City State Zip City State Zip City State Zip City 2. Change of Name/Address/Firm Name Use when you are changing your name, your firm's address, or going to a new firm and taking ALL cases inwhich you are attorney-of-record with you. Current Address: Telephone Number: Contact Email: Former Address: 3 . New Code Use if you leave your current firm and do NOT take all cases with you in which you are the attorney-of-record. Name and Address: Telephone Number: Contact Email: *Note: You must notify the District Court location where the case was filed to update your cases with yournew District Court Attorney Code. Your previous District Court Attorney Code will remain linked to the case(s)you leave behind. Your former law firm must request attorney code changes to those case(s) left behind. 4 . Additional Code Use when you have multiple addresses. Complete a copy of this form for each address. Name and Address: Telephone Number: Contact Email: 1. New Applicant Name and Addre ss: Telephone Number: Contact Email: REQUEST FOR DISTRICT COURT ATTORNEY CODE/ADDRESS CHANGE (in District Court Civil, Non - MDEC cases only) DC-030 (Rev. 03/2019) Page 2 of 2 Once your request has been processed, you will receive a document showing your name and address as it appears in the District Court system . New Applicant222s District Court Attorney Code Existin g District Court Attorney Code New District Court Attorney Code Additional District Court Attorney Code American LegalNet, Inc.