Petition For Contempt (Peace Order)
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Petition For Contempt (Peace Order) Form. This is a Maryland form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Petition For Contempt (Peace Order), DC-PO 7, Maryland Statewide, District Court
Other Places and Times He/She Can Be Found:Work Hours:Work Telephone: Employer:Home Telephone: Work Address:DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FORLocated atCase No.City/CountyCourt AddressDC-PO-007 (Rev. 11/2017)PETITION FOR CONTEMPT - PEACE ORDER(Md. Rule 15-206) I am the Petitioner Respondent in this case. I state that:1. On , this Court ordered the following:2. That has violated the Court order as follows: (state in detail when, where and how the violation occurred) WHEREFORE, I request that this Court pass an order finding thatis in contempt of court, and granting any other relief that is necessary in this case. I request that the Court send theRespondent to jail until the Court's order is obeyed.Name of ViolatorSignatureStreet Address (unless confidential)City, State, ZipHome Telephone Work TelephoneDateDESCRIPTION OF ALLEGED VIOLATORDate Name of Petitioner on Original Court OrderStreet Address, Apt. No.TelephoneCity, State, ZipHome:Work:Name of Respondent on Original Court OrderStreet Address, Apt. No.TelephoneCity, State, Zipvs. I certify that I served a copy of this notice upon the following party or parties by hand delivery mailingfirst class mail, postage prepaid on to:DateNameDateAddressCERTIFICATE OF SERVICENameAddressSignature of Party ServingHome Address:Home:Work:DESCRIPTION: Driver's License # State Race Sex Ht.Wt. Hair Eyes DOB FBI # SID # SSN XXX-XX-Complexion Tattoos, Marks, Scars Other American LegalNet, Inc.