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In the Matter ofName of Minor or Disabled PersonPETITION FOR TERMINATION OF GUARDIANSHIP OF THE PROPERTYI,, whose address isNOTE: Use this form to ask the court to terminate the guardianship of the property of a minor or disabled person.File this form within 45 days after discovery of the grounds for termination in the circuit or orphans' court that hasjurisdiction over the guardianship. Attach all required documentation to the petition. The guardianship does not enduntil the court issues an order terminating the guardianship and releasing the guardian of his/her duties.CC-GN-029 (Rev. 05/2018)Docket Reference CIRCUIT ORPHANS' COURT FOR, MARYLANDCase No.City/CountyCourt AddressLocated at(Md. Rule 10-710)NameName of Minor or Disabled Person1.My relationship to the minor or disabled isName of Guardian of the Person2. guardian of the person guardian of the propertyThe following is a list of names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses (ifavailable) of all interested persons (see Md. Code, Estates and Trusts Article, 24713-101(j)):Page 1 of 3 guardian of the person and property other (describe):was appointed guardian of the property forName of Minor or Disabled Personby order of this court onDate of Appointment3. 4.My interest in the guardianship estate is:I state that:terminate the guardianship of the property of.and whose email address (if available) is, ask that the court , whose telephone number is, American LegalNet, Inc. 4.Name of Minor5.Guardianship of the property should be terminated because (select all that apply):CC-GN-029 (Rev. 05/2018) Name Relationship to Minoror Disabled Person Address TelephoneNumber EmailAddressPage 2 of 3reached the age of majority on. Date of Minor's18th Birthday A copy of the minor's birth certificate or other proof of age is attached to this petition.Name of Minorbecame emancipated because of marriage onDate of Minor's Marriage. A copy of the minor's marriage certificate is attached to thispetition.Name of Minor or Disabled Persondied on. A copy of theDate of Deathminor or disabled person's death certificate is attached to this petition.Name of Disabled Personno longer has the disability that was the basisfor guardianship (cessation of disability). One (1) original medical certificate showing to theend of the disability was completed by a physician who has examined the disabled personwithin 21 days of filing of this petition and is attached. (The physician should completeForm CC-GN-022, Medical Certificate - Cessation of Disability.)A probate estate was opened in the Orphans' Court of,.CountyA probate estate has not been opened because no assets remain in the estateall remaining assets are jointly owned.Estate Number American LegalNet, Inc. CC-GN-029 (Rev. 05/2018)Page 3 of 3All assets in the estate have been distributed as authorized in the order appointing the guardian of 6. Section 6 applies if you are the guardian of the property. Guardianship of the property should be terminated because the following event specified in the order appointing the guardian of the property occurred onDatethe property. The following other good cause exists to terminate the guardianship:Attached to this petition is a final Fiduciary222s/Guardian222s Account covering the period not reportedin the last account filed, or, if none, from the date you were appointed as guardian of the property.(Use Form CC-GN-012, Fiduciary222s Account, if the guardianship is in the circuit court or RW1320,Guardian222s Account, if the guardianship is in the orphans222 court). 7. Section 7 applies if you are the guardian of the property and there are assets remaining in the estate. Attached to this petition is a proposal for the final distribution of any remaining assets in the estate. 8. All required documentation is attached. FOR THESE REASONS, I ask the court to:1.Accept my request to terminate guardianship of the property of .Name of Minor or Disabled Person2.Release of the duties as guardian of the property.Name of Guardian of the Person3.Issue an order requiring interested persons and any other persons directed by the court to showcause why my request should not be granted.4.Grant any other and further relief as may be required. I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of this document are true to the bestof my knowledge, information, and belief.SignatureDatePrinted Name American LegalNet, Inc.