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Probate Of Will - Administration With Will Annexed - With-Without Sureties Form. This is a Massachusetts form and can be use in Bristol County.
Tags: Probate Of Will - Administration With Will Annexed - With-Without Sureties, CJ-P 3, Massachusetts County, Bristol
I. Use. The use of computer generated forms is hereby permitted, except where the
Court blank is a multi-part form, such as wage assignments, Chapter 209A family
abuse forms, cassette copy requests forms, etc. Registers may reject any forms
which fail to comply with these standards. In the event that a Register deems a
submitted form to be outside these standards, such determination will be reviewed
by the Administrative office at the request of Counsel.
II. Specifications.
A. Paper. Twenty pound, alkaline paper shall be used for all computer generated
forms. Alkaline paper is specified to ensure archival quality and permanence.
B. Printing. All computer generated forms shall be printed with “letter quality” or
“near letter quality” output. “Draft” quality output from a nine pin dot matrix
printer is not acceptable.
C. Paper Size. With any pin feeds removed the dimensions of the paper used to
print the computer generated forms shall be the same as those of the official form.
D. Paper and Ink Color. A computer generated form shall be printed on the same
color paper with the same color ink as the official form.
E. Pagination and Punching. The computer generated form shall be printed on
both sides of a single sheet of paper where the official form is so printed to insure
that the computer generated form has the same page arrangement as the official
form. The computer generated form shall duplicate any hole punching that is on
the official form.
F. Page Content. Each page of the computer generated form shall contain the same
information grouped in the same subsections listed in the same order with the same
numerical headings as each page of the official form.
G. Page Format. The computer generated form shall approximately match the
spacing, centering, indentation, margin width and print size of the official form so
that the computer generated form reproduces as closely as possible the appearance
of the official form.
H. Entries. On the computer generated form the entries of information by the
party submitting the form shall be highlighted by either underlining the information
entered or by printing it in boldface letters. The computer generated form shall
provide blank line for the entry of information by the court where such lines are
American LegalNet, Inc.
provided on the official form.
I. Identification of the Computer Generated Form. A computer generated form
shall bear the initials “c.g.f.” in its lower right hand corner to signify that it is a
computer generated form.
III. Consequences of Failing to Follow These Guidelines. The Probate and Family
Court Department reserves the right to reject any computer generated form which
does not meet the standards set forth above. It is the responsibility of the submitting
party to insure that the form adheres to the above standards. A computer
generated form which does not comply with the above standards may be rejected by
the register, subject to appeal to the Administrative Office. If the form is rejected
the submitting party shall forfeit the filing fee. The submitting party’s attorney
shall not be allowed to pass this cost on to his/her client, but shall bear the financial
burden personally. Accordingly, the submitting party’s attorney shall either
reimburse the client for the forfeited fee or the attorney shall personally pay the
filing fee when he/she re-files the form.
- Uniform Probate Practice XXXIII
INSTRUCTIONS for Form CJ-P 3 - Probate of Will Administration with Will Annexed - with-without Sureties:
1. Second page should be printed on back of first page.
2. Form should be printed on bonded, acid free paper.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Trial Court
Probate and Family Court Department
Bristol Division
Docket No.
Probate Of Will - Administration With The Will Annexed
With - Without - Sureties
Name of Decedent
Domicile at Death
(street and no.)
(city or town)
Date of Death
Name and address of Petitioner(s)
Heirs at law or next of kin of deceased including surviving spouse:
(minors and incompetents must be so designated)
That said deceased left a will - and codicil(s) - herewith presented, wherein
is named executor/executrix but has - declined to
serve - died - become incapacitated.
The petitioner(s) hereby certif
that a copy of this document, along with a copy of the decedent's death
certificate has been sent by certified mail to the Division of Medical Assistance, P.O. Box 15205, Worcester,
Massachusetts 01615-9906.
Wherefore your petitioner(s) pray(s) that said will -and codicil(s) - may be proved and allowed, and that he/she/
they or some other suitable person
(street and no.)
(city or town)
be appointed administrator/administratrix with the will annexed, - with - without - sureties on his/her bond,
and certif
under the penalties of perjury that the statements herein contained are true to the best of his/her/
their knowledge and belief.
The undersigned hereby assent to the foregoing petition and to the allowance of the will without testimony.
All persons interested having been notified in accordance with the law or having assented and no objections
being made thereto, it is decreed that said instrument(s) be approved and allowed as the last will and testament
of said deceased, and that
in the County of
be appointed administrat
with the will annexed of said estate first giving bond, with
for the due performance of said trust.
CJ-P 3 (11 /01)
Justice of the Probate and Family Court
American LegalNet, Inc.
For Petitioner:
Tel. No. (
Docket No.
Probate Of Will
With The Will Annexed
With/Without Sureties
Petition - Decree
B.B.O. #
B.B.O. #
Tel. No. (
Citation Issued
For Respondent:
Recorded Vol.
Publication in the
Refer to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 193, Section 7.
American LegalNet, Inc.