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Writ of Execution Against Property Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in USBC Eastern Federal.
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Tags: Writ of Execution Against Property Form, Michigan Federal, USBC Eastern
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN EXECUTION AGAINST PROPERTY CASE NO. JUDGE Plaintiff name(s) and address(es) Defendant name(s) and address(es) v REQUEST AND VERIFICATION 1. On ____________________________, a judgment was granted in this case upon which the following is now due: D ate Amount of judgment Interest to this date Post judgment costs Total 2. $________________ $________________ $________________ $________________ Less credits received $_______________ Total balance due $_________________ The plaintiff requests the Court issue a writ of execution against the property of the following defendant(s): I declare that the statements above are true to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. D a te : P la in tiff/A tto rn e y s ig n a tu re A d d re s s C ity S ta te Z IP T e le p h o n e N o . WRIT TO ANY SHERIFF, DEPUTY SHERIFF, OR DEPUTY U.S. MARSHAL: IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED: 1. 2. Seize the property described in the attached judgment for claim and delivery and deliver to the plaintiff(s); or if the property is not found in the possession of the defendant(s), levy the value of it. Seize and sell, according to law, so much from the personal property of defendant(s) not exempt from execution, as will be sufficient to satisfy plaintiff's demand and costs. If sufficient personal property of defendant(s) cannot be found within your jurisdiction, seize and sell so much of the real property of defendant(s) not exempt from execution, as will be sufficient to satisfy plaintiff's demand and costs. Collect from sale of such property sufficient monies to pay all of your charges and fees to which you are entitled. After service of this writ, make proper return in not less than 20 days, nor more than 90 days, from the date of receipt. 3. 4. 5. D a te : _ _ C le rk o f th e U n ite d S ta te s B a n k ru p tc y C o u rt ENDORSEMENT I certify that I received this writ of execution on D a te at T im e D e p u ty S h e riff/D e p u ty U .S . M a rs h a l INT-0128-MIE-11/91 PAGE ONE OF TWO American LegalNet, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF WRIT OF EXECUTION SATISFIED IN FULL/IN PART I certify, under penalty of contempt of court, that I have levied and collected from the defendant(s), in full/in part with the amount of judgment. interest and costs, as I was ordered, the property of claim and delivery judgment. Balance due Execution fee Statutory collection fee Service and posting Mileage _____ miles Total collection fees (Subtotal) Amount collected Uncollected balance $ _______________ $ _______________ $ _______________ $ _______________ $ _______________ $ _______________ $ _______________ $ _______________ $ _______________ D a te : D e p u ty S h e riff/D e p u ty U .S . M a rs h a l CERTIFICATE OF WRIT OF EXECUTION UNSATISFIED I certify, under penalty of contempt of court, that after diligent search, no personal or real property of the defendant(s) could be found on which to levy the specified balance due. D a te : D e p u ty S h e riff/D e p u ty U .S . M a rs h a l PAGE TW O OF TW O American LegalNet, Inc.