Defendants Initial Pretrial Conference Summary Statement
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Defendants Initial Pretrial Conference Summary Statement Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in USDC Western Federal.
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Tags: Defendants Initial Pretrial Conference Summary Statement, Michigan Federal, USDC Western
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGANSOUTHERN DIVISIONUNITED STATES OF AMERICAPlaintiff,v. Case No.Defendant. Hon.DEFENDANT'S INITIAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE SUMMARY STATEMENT Counsel for defendant is unaware at this time of any known conflict with counsel's representation of defendant. Counsel will immediately advise the court if any such conflict becomes known. Defendant , through his/her attorney,submits the following initial pretrial conference summary statement.I. DISCOVERY The defendant requests disclosure pursuant to Federal Rules of Evidence 404(b).The defendant will will not provide reciprocal discovery.II.TRIAL The defendant requests a jury non-jury trial.III.MISCELLANEOUS Counsel for defendant is aware of the following potential conflicts: IV.OBLIGATIONS Counsel for defendant acknowledges having reviewed the Obligations of Defense Counsel section available at the court's website, >> Attorney Information >> Criminal Case Information. Counsel for Defendant Date(Rev. 03/01/2019)The parties acknowledge that if the case is appropriate for expedited resolution andsentencing, a joint motion for expedited sentencing shall be filed within 14 days ofarraignment. American LegalNet, Inc.