Statement Of Sponsoring Attorney In Support Of Petition For Admission
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PETITION FOR ADMISSIONUNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN American LegalNet, Inc. 4.Identify all federal courts (Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, District Courts, specialty courts) inwhich you have been admitted to practice, the date of admission, and status. If you are not inactive status and good standing, explain on an attached sheet. Court1. Date Active Status & Good Standing? Bar Number Have you ever been held in contempt of court or otherwise subjected to discipline as defined bythe Local Rules of the Western District of Michigan?If so, nature and disposition thereo: 6.Have you ever been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor? (You need not report amisdemeanor conviction occurring before commencement of law school.) If so, explain thefacts and circumstances: American LegalNet, Inc. G G GGStatement of a sponsoring attorney of the Bar of this court American LegalNet, Inc. 9999 224224224 American LegalNet, Inc.