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Personal Protection Order (PPO) Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Kent Local County.
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Tags: Personal Protection Order (PPO), Michigan Local County, Kent
Personal Protection Order (PPO)
Petition Instructions
Please fill out the entire form following these instructions. Every section is numbered.
You are the Petitioner!
Step 1—Mark the Domestic or Stalking box describing the situation that pertains to your
relationship (The Petitioner) with other person (The Respondent).
Step 2—You are the Petitioner. Fill in your name and full address. (If you are in hiding,
do not put your address on the form.)
Step 3—The person you are filing against is the Respondent. Fill in the entire box including Respondent’s name, full address and description.
Step 4—Mark all the boxes that apply to your relationship with the Respondent.
Step 5—Indicate any other Court orders, judgments or pending cases between you and
the Respondent. Please attach copies of these documents if issued in a County other
than Kent or a State other than Michigan. (Police Reports are acceptable.)
Step 6—Indicate acts already committed against you.
♦ For Domestic cases, mark all situations that apply for A through O.
♦ For Stalking cases, mark all situations that apply for E through O.
Step 7—Do Not Sign
Step 8—Do Not Sign
American LegalNet, Inc.
For Court Use Only
Kent County-17th Judicial Circuit/FAMILY DIVISION
180 Ottawa Avenue NW – Suite 3500 Grand Rapids MI 49503 616-632-5067
Petition for Personal Protection Order
Step 1—Type of PPO Case
Domestic Relationship (See #4 for definition.)
Stalking - The petitioner and respondent are not husband and wife, have not resided in the same household together,
Case Number:
have no children in common, and have had no intimate dating relationship with one another. (No relationship whatsoever.)
Step 2—Petitioner
What is your age?
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: ____________________________________________
Phone #: (______)__________________________________________
Step 4—The petitioner and respondent (mark all that apply):
Were husband & wife, now divorced.
Are husband & wife. Years married: ______
Have a child(ren) in common. # of children: ______
Reside or resided in the same household. From ______ to ______
Step 3—Respondent
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: ____________________________________________
Phone #: (______)__________________________________________
Respondent’s Height: _______ Weight: _______ Race: ____________
Birthdate: __________ Hair color: __________ Eye color: __________
Parent’s Name if resp. is under 18: ____________________________
Is the respondent employed by any law enforcement agency that
requires firearm possession? NO
If yes, answer:
Name of Supervisor: ________________________________________
Have or have had an intimate dating relationship.
Address: _________________________________________________
Other, please describe: __________________________________ Phone #: (______)__________________________________________
Step 5—Do you have a case in another county or state with this person?
Have you filed any police reports within the last three months?
I need a personal protection order because of events occurred or threatened. Please see attached affidavit.
Step 6—I ask the court to grant a personal protection order prohibiting the respondent from:
Entering onto the property wherever I live. I own
my current
E-Interfering with the petitioner’s efforts to remove his/her child(ren) or
residence. Other: _____________________________________________
personal property from the premises solely owned or leased by the other
The respondent(s’):
party. (Are your personal possessions being held hostage from you at other residence?)
Lives at the residence owned or leased in the petitioner’s name.
F-Following petitioner.
Address is not the petitioner’s address.
G-Attempting to locate petitioner’s address and/or phone number.
Has been jailed on domestic violence allegations and is restricted
H-Approaching or confronting petitioner in a public place or on private
under a no-contact order.
property. (May be in same public place, just may not harass.)
I-Entering onto or remaining on property owned, leased or occupied by
A-Entering onto the property located at: (Day Care, schools, vacation property, etc.)
petitioner. (Provides protection when at friends, neighbors, relatives, etc.)
J-Sending mail, fax, email, pager, voice mail, answering machine, etc.
B-Assaulting, attacking, beating, molesting or wounding: (Names)
Other ______________________________________________________
K-Contacting Petitioner by phone. (Child(ren) issues, child(ren) speak w/ respondent.)
C-Removing minor child(ren) from the petitioner who has court-ordered
L-Placing an object or delivering an object to property owned, leased, or
custody, except as allowed by a custody or parenting time order as long as
occupied by petitioner. (Notes on vehicles, etc.)
removal of the child(ren) does not violate other conditions of personal proM-Threatening to kill or physically injure: (Names) ___________________________
tection order. (Not intended to keep a parent away from their child. We cannot change visitation issues with
a PPO).
D-Having access to information in records concerning minor child(ren) of
petitioner and respondent that will reveal petitioner’s address, telephone
number, or employment address or that will reveal the child(ren)’s address
or telephone number. (Only if you have child(ren) w/ respondent and are in hiding; interfering with
finances, Dr. appts, etc.)
Also may include E through O.
N-Interfering with the petitioner at his/her place of employment or engaging
in conduct that impairs his/her employment or environment. (School, volunteer
work, etc.)
O-Other: Engaging others to further harm/harass/intimidate petitioner/
I ask the Court to grant an ex-parte order because immediate and irreparable injury, loss, or damage will occur between now and a
hearing or because notice will cause irreparable injury, loss or damage before the order can be entered.
Step 7—I declare the above statements are true to the best of my
information, knowledge and belief:
Petitioner’s Signature
Step 8—
Next Friend Signature
Interpreter Signature
Signature, Phone # w/ Area Code
American LegalNet, Inc.
Personal Protection Order (PPO)
Affidavit Instructions
Hand Print or Type Only
Please read these instructions carefully.
Limit Affidavit to 240 words or less.
The Respondent will receive a copy of this affidavit so carefully word this
Please start on the front side of the affidavit.
The Judge will need to know how you know this person.
Tell what has happened in the past and what’s happening now. The
Judge will require the dates on which the violence occurred. Stay current;
don’t go back years.
The affidavit is all you have to convince the Judge of why the Court
should be involved in your situation.
If you don’t provide enough facts then your PPO request could be denied.
(Statutory requirements must be met in order to issue a PPO.)
The PPO Interviewer’s Office cannot translate nor write your statement.
Please do your best—per Michigan Court Rule, your hand-printing must
be legible.
Do Not Sign
American LegalNet, Inc.
Personal Protection Order (PPO)
For Office Use Only
1st Petition
Case #: ____________________________
Start Story Here: (REMEMBER—Affidavits over 240 words may be returned.)
• Continue Story on next page.
• Does Respondent own firearms?
Don’t Know
• Has Respondent threatened to harm/kill you with a gun?
• Does Respondent’s employment require firearm possession?
Has Access
Affiant Signature
Print Name
I have written this statement for the Petitioner at the Petitioner’s direction because Petitioner cannot:
Speaks another language ________________________________
___________________________________________(Sworn In) _____________________________________
Signature of Interpreter
Print Name
Phone Number w/ Area Code
____________________________________________________________________ (Sworn
Signature of Next Friend (If the Petitioner is a minor)
In) _________________________________________
Print Name
American LegalNet, Inc.
Subscribed and sworn to before me on ____________________________, in the County of Kent, Michigan.
My commission expires ___________________________.
Notary Public Signature
American LegalNet, Inc.
Personal Protection Order (PPO)
Affidavit Page 2
Please limit your statement to pages one and two.
American LegalNet, Inc.