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Affidavit For License To Marry With Instructions And Information Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Macomb Local County.
Tags: Affidavit For License To Marry With Instructions And Information, DCH-0484, Michigan Local County, Macomb
Rev.4/17/2018HOWTOAPPLYFORAMACOMBCOUNTYMARRIAGELICENSE ONLYAPPLYIFYOUPLANONGETTINGMARRIEDWITHIN33DAYS.(Readtheinstructionsbelowforthemethodofobtainingyourmarriagelicense.)TOAPPLYINPERSONAT120N.MAINSTREET,MT.CLEMENS48043: 1. COMPLETETHEAFFIDAVITFORLICENSETOMARRYFORMBY:a. officeandwewillprinttheaffidavitandconfirmyourinformation.Orcompletetheattachedaffidavitandbringitin.b. Includeyoursocialsecuritynumbersanddaytimephonenumberforbothparties.Theinformationontheaffidavitshouldmatchwhatisonyourbirthcertificateanddriver222slicense.Onlythestate,orcountry,isneededfortheparents222birthplace.Checktheboxindicatingyoureceivedtheeducationalpamphlet223LearntheFactsaboutHIV&STIs224enclosedinthispacket.c. DONOTSIGNuntilyou222reinfrontoftheDeputyClerkwhowillthennotarizeyouraffidavit.2. OnlyoneMacombCountyResidentneedstocomeandapply,howeverbotharewelcometocome.3. Youwillneedyourdriver222slicenseorstateI.D.withyourcurrentaddressonit.4. Thecostofthelicenseis$20.IfbothpartiesarefromoutofstateandwillbegettingmarriedinMacombCounty,thecostis$30.Thelicenseisnotvalidforthefirstthreedays.Ifyouwouldliketousethelicenseimmediately,thereisanadditional$10charge.Youwillreceiveyourmarriagelicensethesamedayyouapply.TOAPPLYVIAFAX,EMAIL,ORMAIL: (Ifyourceremonywilloccurlessthan14daysfromyourapplicationdate,youwillneedtoapplyinperson)5. Completethe223MarriageLicenseapplicationcoverform.224Answer#14ontheform.(IFTHEMARRIAGEAPPLICATIONISILLEGIBLE,HASINSUFFICIENTINFORMATION,ORCONTAINSERRORS,YOURAPPLICATIONWILLBEREJECTEDANDYOUMUSTAPPLYINPERSON.)6. Completethe223AffidavitforLicensetoMarry224form.Includebothsocialsecuritynumbersandphonenumbers.7. TheMacombCountyresidentmustsigntheAffidavitinfrontofaNotaryPublicBEFOREsendingitin.a. IfyouliveinoneofthestateslistedbelowandplanongettingmarriedinMacombCounty,youmustobtainanotarycertificationfromthenotaryandfax,email,ormailthatalongwiththerestofthemarriagepacket.(AK,CT,DE,HI,ID,KY,MO,MT,NC,ND,NE,NH,NM,NV,NY,UT,VA,WA,WY.)8. Returnthecoverpage,affidavit,notarycertificationifapplicable,andthecreditcardpaymentinformationformviaoneofthemethodsbelow:a. YoumayFAXitto18774439505.CalltheClerk222sOfficeat(586)4695205inacoupleofhourstoconfirmthefaxwasreceived.b. c. YoumayMAILitto:MacombCountyClerk,120NorthMain,MountClemens,MI480435656Attention:Marriage(IfyoumailedyourAffidavitforLicensetoMarry,youmustcalltheClerk222sOfficeat(586)4695205afterseven(710)daysofthemailingtoconfirmitwasreceived.)9. CAREFULLYREVIEWTHEMARRIAGELICENSEUPONRECEIPTandtheinstructionsenclosed.Ifacorrectionisneededduetoatypingerrormadebytheclerk222soffice,thereisnochargetomakethecorrection.IfacorrectionisneededbecausetheAffidavitforLicensetoMarryformwasincorrectlyfilledout,thereisa$5.00charge.ThecorrectionneedstobedoneBEFOREtheceremony(Tochangealicenseafterthemarriageceremony,contact usimmediately.OnceyourlicensehasbeensenttotheStateofMichigan,youwillhavetoopenacircuitcourtcase,payafilingfeeof$175,andhaveajudgesignanordertocorrectthemarriagelicense).Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorneedassistancewiththisprocess,pleasecall5864695205.CountyClerkOfficeHours:Monday226Friday8a.m.4:15p.m.,Wednesdaysuntil6:45p.m.120N.Main,Mt.Clemens,MI48043 American LegalNet, Inc. No.County of:City of Marriage:The Undersigned, being duly sworn, depose(s) and say(s) that:andCOUPLE INFORMATIONSURNAME ON BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IF DIFFERENTMACOMBAFFIDAVIT FOR LICENSE TO MARRYSTATE OF MICHIGANAnticipated Wedding Date:(for office use only)FULL NAME (First, Middle, Last) MALE FEMALE PRESENT AGEFULL NAME (First, Middle, Last) MALE FEMALE SURNAME ON BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IF DIFFERENTBIRTHPLACE -- CITY & STATEBIRTHPLACE -- CITY & STATEPRESENT AGEDATE OF BIRTHDATE OF BIRTHRESIDENCE NO.TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIEDFULL NAME (First, Middle, Last)FULL NAME (First, Middle, Last)RESIDENCE COUNTYTIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIEDPARENTS INFORMATIONCITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODECITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODESTREETRESIDENCE NO.STREETintend to marry and that this affidavit is made for the purpose of obtaining a marriage license; that each of the above-named persons is of the age required by law, is not related to the other within the degree prohibited by statute and is of sufficient mental capacity to contract marriage; that said persons are acquainted with the laws of the State of Michigan relative to marriage as summarized upon the back of this blank; that there is no legal impediment to said marriage; and that to the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned all of the foregoing statements are true. Educational materials regarding prenatal care and the transmission and prevention of venereal disease and HIV infection as well as information on the availability these diseases have been received.ONLY ONE APPLICANT MUST SIGN IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC.RESIDENCE COUNTYFULL NAME (First, Middle, Last)FULL NAME (First, Middle, Last)SURNAME AT BIRTHBIRTHPLACESURNAME AT BIRTHSURNAME AT BIRTHBIRTHPLACESURNAME AT BIRTHBIRTHPLACEBIRTHPLACEDAY PHONE NUMBERDAY PHONE NUMBERSOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERSOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERSIGNATURESIGNATURE10/28/2015SignatureSubscribed to before me; County Clerk; a Notary Public of County, Michiganacting in County, and whose commission expires on , 20;or other person authorized to administer oaths, and sworn to on , 20.(date notarized or oath administered) American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. Phone: 586-469-5205 Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:15 p.m., Wednesday until 6:45 p.m. Rev. 4/18 MACOMB COUNTY MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATION COVER FORM FAX, EMAIL, OR MAIL THIS FORM TO MACOMB COUNTY CLERK WITH YOUR AFFIDAVIT FOR LICENSE TO MARRY FORM FAX TO: 1-877-443-9505 or EMAIL TO: MAIL TO: Macomb County Clerk - Vital Records 120 North Main, Mount Clemens, MI 48043 ATTENTION: MARRIAGE FROM: Name (Print legibly): Address (Print legibly) City (Print legibly) Zip Code Day Phone: Cell Phone Fax Number you222re faxing from: The following statements are true. Signature: RE: Marriage License 226 Affidavit For License To Marry (attached) DATE: PAGES: (Include Affidavit for License to Marry and Credit Card Form.) ****IF THE MARRIAGE APPLICATION IS ILLEGIBLE, HAS INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION OR CONTAINS ERRORS, WE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION AND YOU MUST APPLY IN PERSON.**** 1. Marriage License Requirements (Check all boxes that apply.) Check this box if your marriage ceremony will occur within 33 days. Check this box to acknowledge that by law your license will not be valid for three days, which means your ceremony cannot occur within three days (unless you obtain a waiver). Check this box if at least one person is a Macomb County resident (proof of residency on valid driver222s license, or state i.d., is required). Check this box if both applicants are out of state residents (proof of residency on valid driver222s license is required) and marriage ceremony will take place in Macomb County. Check this box if notarization is taking place outside of Michigan. Notary certification must be included. Check this box if both applicants are at least 18 years old. Check this box if applicants are not related. 2. Marriage License Application Fee (Check one box below.) $20 if at least one applicant is a Macomb County resident. $10 waiver fee (to waive the three-day waiting period). $30 if applicants live out-of-state and ceremony will be in Macomb County. 3. How do you want to get your marriage license? (Check one box below) FREE - U.S. Mail, first-class. Send license to address above. FREE - Pick up at the Macomb County Clerk222s Office. ADD $24 - express mail (received within 2 if ordered and processed by 10 a.m.) 4. Payment Information (Check one box below.) If applying by fax, complete Credit Card Information Form on next page. If applying by mail, complete Credit Card Information Form on next page, OR enclose a check payable to, 223Macomb County Clerk.224 If applying in person, bring cash, credit card or a check to the county clerk222s office payable to, 223Macomb County Clerk.224 American LegalNet, Inc. Phone: 586-469-5205 Hou