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1`40 Macomb County Clerk/Register of Deeds Clerk222s Office 120 North Main Street, 1st Floor Mount Clemens, MI 48043 586-469-5120; Fax: 877-443-9505 Register of Deeds 120 North Main Street, 1st Floor Mount Clemens, MI 48043 586-469-7953; Fax: 586-469-5130 Macomb County Jury Services 40 North Main Street, 5th Floor Mount Clemens, MI 48043 586-469-5158; Fax: 866-731-8701 BUSINESS REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS Listed below are the instructions for completing a Business Registration form for Macomb County. Please note that this form requires a notarized signature and that our employees can notarize the application as long as it is signed in their presence. You must provide a valid driver222s license or Michigan State Identification. The filing fee is $10.00 for five years. 1)You must be 18 years old to register a business.2)Make sure the business name you are requesting has not been used inMacomb County or at the State level.Check Macomb County business names at Check Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs businessnames at 3)If you are not a Michigan resident, an Irrevocable Consent Form must becompleted.4)Please type or print legibly.5)Give the name of your business exactly as you plan to advertise it.6)Each owner222s full name and residence address must be listed.7)For Co-Partnerships with more than four owners, attach a separate sheet ofpaper with the names and addresses of the partners and their signatures.8)If the name you are registering is a franchise, the Franchise Agreement must beshown.9)If your business is a Corporation, Limited Liability Company or Limited LiabilityPartnership, the assumed name is filed with the state 226 not locally. Contact theMichigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs at (517) 373-1820 or YOUR OWN PROTECTION, DO NOT HAVE BUSINESS CARDS, STATIONERY, ETC. PRINTED UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED CERTIFIED COPIES OF YOUR PAPERS. American LegalNet, Inc. MCLA 445.1 AS AMENDED 1990 Rev. 5/17 THE UNDERSIGNED hereby certifies, under the provisions of P.A. No. 101, P.A. of Mich. for the year 1907, as amended, that the following persons, as co-partners, now own, carry on, conduct or transact or intends to own, carry on, conduct, or transact, a business or maintain an office or place of business in the County of Macomb, State of Michigan, under the name, designation or style set forth below: Name of Business Street Address of Business City State Zip Phone E-mail Names of persons owning, transacting or composing the above business and home address of each: Name Residence Address (No P.O. Boxes) City / State / Zip (Print) (Print) (Print) (Print) SIGNATURES OF ALL PERSONS LISTED ABOVE: PARTNERSHIP CERTIFICATE. The undersigned hereby certifies under the provisions of Michigan P.A. No. 164 of 1913, as amended, that the business named herein is a partnership. *MUST BE SIGNED BEFORE A NOTARY PUBLIC* STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MACOMB I, , one of the co-partners of the firm do certify that all co-partners of the firm individually signed their respective names affirmed before me and that the place of residence of each co-partner is correct. Signature: (One of the Co-Partners of above named firm) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 . Signature: Print: Notary Public State of Michigan, County of Macomb My Commission expires: NOTE: This Certificate must be renewed within five (5) years from date. If you change your place of business you must notify this office. If you change the personnel listed above you must file Notice of Dissolution or file an amended Partnership Certificate with this office. 223Person224 means one or more individual, partnerships, trusts, fiduciaries or other entities capable of contracting except corporations and limited partnerships. CERTIFICATE OF CO-PARTNERSHIP County of Macomb, Office of County Clerk $10.00 Filing Fee 226 Expires 5 years from date of filing D.B.A. File No. Certificate Exp. Certificate Filed American LegalNet, Inc.