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Real Estate Record Search Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Macomb Local County.
Tags: Real Estate Record Search Form, Michigan Local County, Macomb
Macomb County Clerk/Register of Deeds Real Estate Record Search Information Form Complete and mail with payment and self-addressed stamped envelope to: Macomb County Register of Deeds, , Mount Clemens, MI 48043 NOTE: All searches are done by name (grantor/grantee). Limit one search per request form. A $5.00 minimum fee (for first 10 years searched) payable to Register of Deeds MUST be submitted with any additional fees as outlined below. NO REFUNDS. DOCUMENT INFORMATION Name of Owner (grantee) Name of Mortgage or Lien holder Type of search requested: Mortgage Mortgage Discharge Land Contract Lien Lien Discharge Quit Claim Deed Warranty Deed Other: Tax liens and fixture filings: Must be requested on a UCC-11 State of Michigan approved form which can be downloaded at:, mailed by calling 517-322-1144 or faxed by calling 888-99-CLERK from your fax machine and requesting document #7130. Search fee is $12.00 per name 226 includes UCC search, State tax liens and Federal tax liens. Copy fee is $2.00 per page for UCC filings and $1.00 per page for tax liens. Describe search requested: If known include legal description, property address including city or township and parcel ID #, year, liber and page of recorded document REQUESTOR222S INFORMAT ION PRINT LEGIBLY Date: Name: Daytime phone number: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: FOR RETURN PURPOSES Applies when box is checked and returned to you by the Register of Deeds Office Based on the information provided to the Register of Deeds, no record has been found of the requested document. The search performed today included all recordings on the computer based on the parameters given. If you would like to search further, please forward new search fee and any additional information available to you not previously given (i.e. purchase date, document date). Please note that if you do not know the owner(s) and/or taxpayer name of the property that this information may be obtained from the Assessor222s Office in which the property is located or Macomb County Treasurer222s Office, Land File Division at (586) 469-5313. PAYMENT INFORMATION THIS OFFICE WILL NOT ISSUE REFUNDS Pre-checked boxes are required, check and add any other costs that apply $5.00 (covers first 10 years searched**) .......................... $5.00 **starting with first calendar year Additional years over 10: (if search includes more than 10 yearspan, cost is $0.50 per year) years x $0.50 = ................................... Recording information only (Liber/Page info, no copies)$1.00 for first page ............................................. Copy fee: (required $1.00 per page) number of pages x $1.00 = ................. Certification fee: (if you need your documents certified) number of documents x $5.00 = ......... TOTAL : ................................ ........................... For help completing this form call: (586)469 - 7953 American LegalNet, Inc.