Sheriff Deed Payoff Letter Request For Sheriff Or Clerk Deeds
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Sheriff Deed Payoff Letter Request For Sheriff Or Clerk Deeds Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Macomb Local County.
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Tags: Sheriff Deed Payoff Letter Request For Sheriff Or Clerk Deeds, Michigan Local County, Macomb
MACOMB COUNTY CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS 10 NORTH MAIN STREET, MT CLEMENS, MI 48043 (586) 469-7927 SHERIFF DEED PAYOFF LETTER REQUEST FOR SHERIFF222S DEEDS/CLERK222S DEEDS THIS FORM CAN BE DROPPED OFF OR MAILED TO THE MACOMB COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE ALONG WITH A $25.00 REQUEST FEE. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM, PROVIDING ALL *REQUIRED INFORMATION . (BLANK REQUIRED FIELDS, OR INSUFFICIENT FEES, WILL NOT BE PROCESSED). THE PAYOFF LETTER WILL BE TYPICALLY AVAILABLE 2 BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE DATE & TIME REQUESTED. (UNLESS SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS ARE NECESSARY) *Date & time of payoff letter request: *ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR (Person(s) who signed the MORTGAGE which is being foreclosed upon) *PROPERTY ADDRESS *PROJECTED DATE REDEEMING PROPERTY (Date of Redemption can only be calculated within 30 days of request) SHERIFF222S DEED LIBER AND PAGE NUMBER (DATE OF SALE IS ACCEPTABLE IF LIBER AND PAGE ARE UNKNOWN) LIBER PAGE AND/OR *DATE OF SALE *Date to be picked up:OR *Mail to: Name Address City, State, Zip Code Please note- Redemption can only be made by a party(s) authorized pursuant to MCLA600.3240. MORTGAGOR/OWNER must present driver222s license or proper ID, or a powerof attorney will be requested, in order for the Register of Deeds office to accept aredemption check.*Name & phone number of person requesting payoff letter *Name of company representing (If Applicable) `FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Checked Computer for Affidavits filed: Abandon Insurance Taxes Transfer Tax No Affidavits Filed Entry Book Date/Time Computer checked Preparer222s Initials American LegalNet, Inc.