Notice Of Dispute With Friend Of The Court Records
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Notice Of Dispute With Friend Of The Court Records Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Monroe Local County.
Tags: Notice Of Dispute With Friend Of The Court Records, Michigan Local County, Monroe
Notice of Dispute with Friend of the Court Records Monroe County Friend of the Court 1 60 .tS striF .E Monroe, MI 48161 This form must be completed in full before the Friend of the Court auditor will review the account. Please read instructions. I, _________________________________, case number ______________________ hereby
allege the Monroe County Friend of the Courts records regarding my case to
be incorrect. My records reflect the following: A: Child support/alimony was ordered to begin on _________________________ at a rate of Effective date per the Court order $ ___________________ per _____________________________ . Ordered Amount Week, bi-weekly, monthly, bimonthly, annual B: Since child support/alimony was ordered to be paid through the Monroe County F
riend of the Court, __________________________ charges have passed to date.
This creates a support number of charges since beginning of case obligation of $ ________________________ life of case to-date. number of charges x o
rdered amount C: I have paid a total of $ _____________________ over the life of this cas
e. I also have Court Total Payments over Life of Case approved credits and/or adjustments to my account in the amo
unt of $ _____________________. Total adjustments to account. D: Therefore, my records show a balance due of $_______________________________________. Total Obligation - Payments - or + Credits and/or adjustments = I have completed this worksheet in full and attached any and all documentation that supports my allegation. I understand a Friend of the Court auditor will review this docu
ment and respond. Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: __________
______________ The Family Court treats any and all disputes with Court records as a ser
ious issue. >>>> 2 You must be prepared to defend your allegations in a Court of law.