Addendum To Petition For Personal Protection Order (Stalking-Juvenile)
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Addendum To Petition For Personal Protection Order (Stalking-Juvenile) Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Oakland Local County.
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Tags: Addendum To Petition For Personal Protection Order (Stalking-Juvenile), CC-PPO 14, Michigan Local County, Oakland
CC - PPO 14 (6/00) Addendum to Petition for PPO Stalking-Juvenile1 of 1STATE OF MICHIGAN6TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY OF OAKLANDADDENDUM TO PETITIONPERSONAL PROTECTION ORDERSTALKING 226 JUVENILECASE NO.PAGEOF 1200 N TELEGRAPH RD PONTIAC, MI 48341 (248) Petitioner{ } Moving partyRespondentAge/DOB v { } Check if non-public address filed with CourtSOCIAL INFORMATION REGARDING JUVENILE RESPONDENT Father222s nameAddressHome phoneWork phone Mother222s nameAddressHome phoneWork phone Stepfather222s nameWork phoneStepmother222s nameWork phone Guardian/Custodian222s nameAddressHome phoneWork Phone Divorced:Date of DivorcePlace of divorce: CountyState Custody to: { } Father { } Mother { } Other (state name and address): Child living with:{ } Father { } Mother { } Stepfather { } Other: Stalking is defined as a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment that would cause areasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested, and actually caused someone to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed or molested.The respondent did the following acts or made the following threats which caused me to feel terrorized, frightened,intimidated, threatened, harassed or molested:1.WhenWhere What 2When Where What 3When Where What (Attach extra sheets if necessary)VERIFICATION UNDER MCR 2.114(2)(b): I declare that the statements above are true to the best of my information,knowledge and belief.Date American LegalNet, Inc.