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FILING A PETITION FOR A HOME STATUS OFFENSE IN OAKLAND COUNTY The family division of the circuit court has jurisdiction in proceedings against juveniles under 17 if the juvenile runs away from home (truancy) or repeatedly disobeys the reasonable and lawful commands of his or her parents or guardians (incorrigibility). Furthermore, the court must find that the family has exhausted all non-court options, such as counseling and other living arrangements, before it may accept a parent's request for court intervention. Information for Completing Your Petition 1. You must complete the petition completely and by yourself. Court employees may not provide legal advice. 2. Your allegations about your child's behavior must be current. The alleged behaviors must have occurred within the last three months. 3. You must present a statement from a counseling agency that details your efforts to use community resources to solve your child's truancy or incorrigibility issues. This statement is required even if your child refuses to attend counseling with you. Oakland County Youth Assistance may be used to satisfy the counseling requirement for a nominal fee. The Youth Assistance general telephone number is (248) 858-0051. 4. If the court accepts your petition, it may be several weeks until a hearing is held. Your son or daughter will be at home with you during this time. 5. If the court finds your child is truant or incorrigible and court-accessed services are necessary, the court will enter orders to rectify the situation. The court orders will be binding on you as well as your child and may include probation and/or family counseling. 6. You must include your child's descriptive information on the next page of this packet. Without descriptive information, the court cannot issue an order for your child's apprehension if your child has run away from home. 7. You will be responsible for the costs of the court-ordered services, including; a. Costs of a diversionary program, if utilized, b. Costs of a consent calendar probation program, if utilized, c. Costs of formal calendar programs, if utilized, including; i. court-appointed attorney fees for your child (an attorney must be appointed if your case goes to formal court), ii. monthly costs for probation department services, iii. per-day costs for your child's out-of-home or day treatment placement, if utilized. 8. Mail or deliver the enclosed documents, when completed, with the required attachments to: Juvenile Intake Department Ground Floor, East Wing Courthouse Building 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48341 -1- American LegalNet, Inc. FAMILY INFORMATION FOR HOME STATUS OFFENSES 1. Juvenile's Last Name Other name Juvenile has used � Last Juvenile's Information First First Middle Middle Date of Birth Place of Birth Sex Race School/District Eye Color Hair Color Weight Height S.S. # (Last 4 digits) 2. Mother's Last Name First Mother's Information Middle Date of Birth S.S. # (Last 4 digits) Address City, State, Zip Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone 3. Father's Last Name First Father's Information Middle Date of Birth S.S. # (Last 4 digits) Address City, State, Zip Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone 4. Step Parent's Last Name First Step Parent's Information Middle Date of Birth S.S. # (Last 4 digits) Address City, State, Zip Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone 5. Guardian/Legal Custodian's Last Name Guardian/Legal Custodian's Information First Middle Date of Birth S.S. # (Last 4 digits) Address City, State, Zip Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone 6. Divorced? Date of Divorce Social Information Place of Divorce (County, State) No Custody to: Yes Father Juvenile living with: Mother Stepfather Stepmother Other: Father Mother Stepfather Stepmother Other: -2American LegalNet, Inc. JIS CODE: PET STATE OF MICHIGAN 6th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION OAKLAND COUNTY PETITION (DELINQUENCY PROCEEDINGS) Supplemental CASE NO. PETITION NO. Court telephone no. (248) 858-0112 Court address 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MI 48341 ORI MI-630013J CTN TCN SID DLN 1. In the matter of name(s), alias(es), DOB First name operator/chauffeur driver's license Last name Middle name commercial driver's license Date of birth no license vehicle type 2. The above named juvenile Citations and allegations: comes within the provisions of MCL 712A.2. has violated probation as follows: Allegations contained on Page #2 See attached sheet for further allegations. Member of or eligible for membership in American Indian Tribe or Band, stated above. An action within the jurisdiction of the family division of circuit court involving the family or family members of the minor has been previously filed in Court, Case Number , was assigned to Judge , and remains is no longer pending. 4. I designate this case as a case in which the juvenile is to be tried in the same manner as an adult. 5. The above named juvenile is a legal resident(s) of Oakland County, and resides in the care and custody of the Petitioner . 6. The names and addresses of the parents, guardian, legal custodian, or nearest known relative are as follows: NAME Father Mother Guardian/Legal custodian/nearest known relative 3. ADDRESS Putative HOME PHONE WORK PHONE 7. I request the court to (check either box a or b) a. review the information and make an appropriate decision. b. authorize this petition and take jurisdiction over the juvenile. Further, I request the court to 1) issue an order to apprehend and/or detain the juvenile. 2) find the juvenile in contempt of court for violating a minor personal protection order. 3) find the juvenile has violated probation and notify the juvenile to appear for the hearing. order the juvenile apprehended and brought to court for a detention hearing. 4) designate this case as a case in which the juvenile is to be tried in the same manner as an adult. I declare that the statements in this petition are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief. Petitioner's signature Date Agency/Address Print or type name City, state, and zip Telephone no. Petition approved for submission: Prosecutor's signature Date 8. A preliminary inquiry and/or hearing has been conducted and the filing of this petition is is not authorized. Date Judge/Referee Bar no. JC 04a (9/07) PETITION (DELINQUENCY PROCEEDINGS) MCL 600.2950h-600.2950m, MCL 712A.2, MCL 712A.2d, MCL 764.15b, MCR 3.903(A)(19), MCR 3.926(A), MCR 3.931, MCR 3.944, MCR 3.951 American LegalNet, Inc. www.Form