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04/13 pkd STATE OF MICHIGAN SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OAKLAND COUNTY JUDGMENT OF DIVORCE 237237237237 Consent 001001001001 Default 001001001001 Hearing Unrepresented Parties with Minor Child(ren) CASE NO. v. Date of Session: Family Division Judge: P- The Court having heard testimony supporting the material facts alleged in the complaint are true, and the Court having personal jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter jurisdiction over the case, and the Court having been satisfied that there has been a material breakdown in the marital relationship to the extent that the object of matrimony have been destroyed an there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved. IT IS ORDERED: DIVORCE The marriage between Plaintiff and Defendant is dissolved, and the parties are divorced. MINOR CHILDREN 001 The mother is pregnant with a due date of , and the expected child is a product/issue of the marriage; therefore the child will be subject to the custody, parenting time, and child support provisions of this judgment. 001 The mother is pregnant with a due date of , and the expected child is not a product/issue of the marriage; therefore, the child is not subject to the custody, parenting time and child support provisions of this judgment. The expected child222s alleged biological father222s name is: 001 The mother is not pregnant; therefore, no hearing regarding paternity was required. Sarafin, 401 Mich 629. (1977). 001 The following child(ren) born during the marriage was not the product/issue of the marriage or adoptive child(ren) of the parties: CHILD222S NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DATE OF BIRTH NAME OF ALLEGED BIOLOGICAL FATHER Plaintiff222s Name, Address & Telephone No. 001 Payer Defendant222s Name, Address & Telephone No. 001 Payer Source of Income222s Name, Address & Telephone No. Source of Income222s Name, Address & Telephone No. American LegalNet, Inc. 04/13 pkd CUSTODY Custody of the parties222 biological and/or adopted minor child(ren) is as follows: PL= Plaintiff DF= Defendant JT= Joint CHILD222S NAME DATE OF BIRTH LEGAL CUSTODY PHYSICAL CUSTODY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CHANGE OF ADDRESS The party who has custody must submit a written change of address for the child(ren) to the Oakland County Friend of the Court (FOC) whenever a minor is moved to another address within 10 days of the change. PARENTING TIME The parties222 parenting time with the above child(ren) is: 001 Reserved. 001 Reasonable as agreed by the parties. (223Reasonable224 parenting time is not enforceable by the FOC.) 001 Liberal as agreed by the parties. (223Liberal224 parenting time is not enforceable by the FOC.) 001 Specific. (Only 223specific224 parenting time is enforceable by the FOC.) The parties222 specific parenting time is as follows: (State specific terms and conditions of Parenting Time) DOMICILE/RESIDENCE OF THE MINOR CHILD(REN) The domicile or residence of the minor child(ren) may not be moved from the State of Michigan without the approval of the judge who awarded custody or the judge222s successor, and the person awarded custody must promptly notify the Oakland County Friend of the Court in writing whenever a minor is moved to another address. MCR 3.211(C)(1). 100 MILE RULE A parent with joint legal custody of the child(ren) shall not change the legal residence of the child except in compliance with Section 11 of the 223Child Custody Act of 1970,224 1970 PA 91 MCL 722.31. INHERENT RIGHTS OF THE MINOR CHILD(REN) The minor child(ren) of the parties has (have) an inherent right to the affection and love of both parents and to a relationship with them. The parties agree that neither will take any action that might estrange the minor child(ren) from the other parent or tend to discredit, cause disrespect to, or diminish the quality of the relationship with the other parent. CHILD SUPPORT Child Support shall be awarded according to the attached Uniform Support Order (USO) for Child Support, which is incorporated herein by reference. American LegalNet, Inc. 04/13 pkd SPOUSAL SUPPORT Spousal Support shall be awarded as follows: 001 The attached Uniform Support Order (USO) for Spousal Support is incorporated herein by reference. 001 No Spousal Support USO is attached because support is reserved or not ordered (223Zero224 support should be charged). 001 No Spousal Support USO is attached because neither party is entitled to spousal support, which is forever barred. PERSONAL PROPERTY The parties222 personal property shall be awarded as follows: 001 Existing life insurance, endowments, or annuities upon the life of either party shall be awarded as follows: 001 Existing pensions, annuities, or retirement benefits shall be awarded as follows: 001 Accumulated contributions in any pension, annuity, or retirement system shall be awarded a follows: 001 Each party is awarded the personal property now in his or her possession as his or her own sole and separate property, free and clear of any claim of the other. 001 The parties are awarded personal property as specified below: PLAINTIFF222S LIST OF PERSONAL PROPERTY DEFENDANT222S LIST OF PERSONAL PROPERTY REAL PROPERTY The parties222 real property shall be awarded as follows: 001 The parties do not own any real property. 001 Plaintiff shall be awarded the following real property located at: The legal description of said property is as follows: In awarding said property, Plaintiff must assume any indebtedness on this property and hold the Defendant harmless from this debt. 001 Defendant shall be awarded the following real property located at: The legal description of said property is as follows: In awarding said property, Defendant must assume any indebtedness on this property and hold the Plaintiff harmless from this debt. American LegalNet, Inc. 04/13 pkd DEBT 001 The parties have no debt to divide or award. 001 The parties222 debts not otherwise provided for in this judgment must be paid by the party who incurred them. 001 Each party is responsible for the following debts: PLAINTIFF222S LIST OF DEBTS DEFENDANT222S LIST OF DEBTS STATUTORY RIGHTS All interests of the each party in the property of the other party, now owned or later acquired, under MCL 700.2201 226 700.2405, are extinguished, including those known as dower. RETIREMENT BENEFITS Except as otherwise provided in this judgment, this judgment terminates the rights each party has in the other party222s pension, annuity, or retirement plans, whether vested or unvested, accumulated or contingent. LIFE INSURANCE Except as otherwise provided in this judgment, this judgment terminates the rights each party has to the proceeds of the other party222s contracts or policies of life insurance, endowments, or annuities as a named beneficiary or by assignment during or in anticipation of marriage. NAME CHANGE The wife222s surname is changed as follows: DOCUMENTS Each party must properly execute and deliver to the other party the appropriate documents required to carry out the terms of this judgment. A certified copy of this judgment may be recorded with the register of deeds in any county of any state where real property that is subject to the provisions of this judgment is located. RETENTION OF JURISDICTION The Court retains jurisdiction of this matter to enforce the executor terms of the provisions stated in this judgment. American LegalNet, Inc. 04/13 pkd FEES AND COSTS Fees and costs payable to the Clerk of the Court are awarded as follows: 001 Plaintiff shall pay the previously suspended fees and costs in the amount of $ 001 Defendant shall pay the previously suspended fees and costs in the amount of $ 001 Previously suspended fees and costs are permanently waived in the interests of justice by the express order of the Court. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Additional provisions are awarded as follows: 001 There are no additional provisions. 001 The parties are subject to the following provisions: (Enumerate each additional provision.) SIGNATURES FAMILY DIVISION JUDGE DATE: PLAINTIFF DATE: DEFENDANT American LegalNet, Inc.