Motion For Discharge Or Abatement Of Arrears Following compliance With Payment Plan
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Motion For Discharge Or Abatement Of Arrears Following compliance With Payment Plan Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Oakland Local County.
Tags: Motion For Discharge Or Abatement Of Arrears Following compliance With Payment Plan, Michigan Local County, Oakland
STATE OF MICHIGAN 6th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OAKLAND COUNTY MOTION FOR DISCHARGE OR ABATEMENT OF ARREARS FOLLOWING COMPLIANCE WITH PAYMENT PLAN CASE NO. _________________ HON. _____________________ Court address: 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac MI 48341 Plaintiff name and address q Payer VS Defendant name and address q Payer I, ____________________________, am the person ordered to pay support. I request this court enter an order for discharge of remaining arrears pursuant to MCLA 552.605e for the following reason(s): 1. 2. The Court entered an Order for Payment Plan on __________________. A copy is attached. date Friend of the Court (FOC) records show that, as of _________________: date a. My current support is $_______/month. My youngest child will be/was 18 on ________. Date b. My total arrears are $________________. A FOC account statement is attached. q q q 3. 4. 5. I have complied with the Order for Payment Plan dated _________________________. I have substantially complied with the Order for Payment Plan. (Attach a separate sheet with full explanation.) OTHER: RELIEF REQUESTED I request the Court award the following relief: A. B. Order that my arrears in this case be set to $____________________ because of my full or substantial compliance with the court ordered payment plan. Grant me such other and further relief as is just and appropriate. I declare that the statements above are true to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. I understand that if I knowingly provide false information, I may be charged with a criminal offense pursuant to MCLA 552.605e (10). DATE: BY: American LegalNet, Inc. Petitioner/Payer American LegalNet, Inc.