Oakland County Friend Of The Court Parenting Time Complaint Form
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Oakland County Friend Of The Court Parenting Time Complaint Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Oakland Local County.
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Tags: Oakland County Friend Of The Court Parenting Time Complaint Form, Michigan Local County, Oakland
OAKLAND COUNTY FRIEND OF THE COURT PARENTING TIME COMPLAINTPlease fill out this form completely. This will help the Family Counselor assigned to your case understandwhat you want and give basic information needed to start helping.Case Number Date Your Name Other Parent222s Name Address Address CITY, STATE, ZIPCITY, STATE, ZIPWork Phone #Work Phone # Home Phone # Home Phone # Child222s Name Birthdate Child222s Name Birthdate Child222s Name Birthdate BASIC INFORMATION 1. You must give specific information about the dates and times of parenting time denials. 2. Your information must tell what part of the parenting time order is being violated. 3. You must have tried to exercise the parenting time before making a complaint. 4. You must submit your complaint within 56 days of the date the violation first occurs. 5. If your complaint is not specific or does not have an order which applies, the Friend of the Court has thediscretion not to enforce your order. 6. Please provide the following information:When was the last time parenting time was held? Describe your complaint:What part of the order is being violated?Please help by:001Reading my parenting time complaint and making it a part of my Friend of the Court Record. I do NOT wishother action taken at this time.001Trying to resolve these parenting time problems by working with the family. I understand this help may includeletters, phone calls, or meetings.001Asking both parties to agree to meet in a more formal manner with a Family Counselor to MEDIATE theparenting time problem.001Other Action (please be specific) FC 209 Rev. 2-9745249SIGNATURE American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com