Order For Appointment Of Guardian Ad Litem
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Order For Appointment Of Guardian Ad Litem Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Oakland Local County.
Tags: Order For Appointment Of Guardian Ad Litem, Michigan Local County, Oakland
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM 1. 2. The attorney completes the top portion of the Order. The Court fills out the lower portion. The Court Administrator's Office distributes all copies according to the distribution scheme noted in the lower right corner. Guardian Ad Litem must submit their bills to the Court Administrator's Office. The recommended fee is $50.00 per hour. The Court Administrator's Office sends the bill, the Order of Appointment, and an Order for Payment of Services to the Judge for approval. The Court Administrator's Office will send a copy of the bill and the Order for Payment to the Oakland County Friend of the Court for collection. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF MICHIGAN SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OAKLAND COUNTY Court address ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM CASE NO. Court telephone no. 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac MI 48341-0404 Plaintiff Defendant (248) 858-5826 V Date of Hearing Circuit Court Judge The court has determined that the parties are currently without sufficient funds to pay for a Guardian Ad Litem. IT IS ORDERED, (Name and Address) (Federal Identification Number and/or Social Security Number) is appointed Guardian Ad Litem in the above captioned case. Payment for this service shall be made pursuant ot the Family Counseling Service Fee Schedule. Prior to payment, the Guardian Ad Litem shall submit an itemized statement to the Court Administrator's Office for approval by the Court. Cost of the service shall not exceed that set forth by the Fee Schedule. Plaintiff shall repay the County. Defendant shall repay the County. The cost shall be born equally by the parties. Other: Date Circuit Court Judge Bar No. COPIES TO: Court File Court Administrator Friend of the Court Plaintiff Defendant 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc.