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Order Of Reference For Referee Hearing Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Oakland Local County.
Tags: Order Of Reference For Referee Hearing, Michigan Local County, Oakland
Order of Reference for Referee Hearing Use this form if you want the Friend of the Court to conduct a hearing on a particular issue. Please be specific when indicating the issue to be considered. 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF MICHIGAN SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT FAMILY DIVISION ORDER OF REFERENCE FOR REFEREE HEARING CASE NO. Court Address: 230 Elizabeth Lake Road Mailing Address: P.O. Box 436012, Pontiac MI 48343 Plaintiff Name(s) Defendant Name(s) Telephone: (248) 858-0424 Plaintiff Attorney, Bar No., Address & Telephone No. Defendant Attorney, Bar No., Address & Telephone No. Date of Session: Judge: IT IS ORDERED: 1. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Bar Number: ____________________ This case is referred to the Friend of the Court for investigation and recommendation regarding support: a. b. Support Parenting Time Child Custody Other__________________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. All discovery must be completed prior to the hearing date. THE REFEREE SHALL RECORD THE HEARING. Either party may hire a court reporter. The Referee shall file his/her Findings/Recommendations with the Court. Within 21 days of completion of the hearing By ________________________________ 5. 6. 7. The Findings of Fact/Recommendation of the Referee shall be binding. The Findings and Recommendation of the Referee shall be admissible in evidence. If, after the hearing, either party demands a hearing before the Court, only evidence not available at the time of the Friend of the Court Hearing will be allowed by the Judge, and the Court will review the Friend of the Court Hearing transcript. Other: _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________ Date I consent to the entry of the foregoing order. ____________________________________ Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Counsel _____________________________________ Judge ______________________________________ Defendant/Defendant's Counsel 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc.