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Verified Statement Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Oakland Local County.
Tags: Verified Statement, Michigan Local County, Oakland
You must/should file this at the time the complaint is filed at
with the Clerk’s Office. If you have not already done so, print
this form and have your client complete it as soon as possible.
2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.
1. Mother’s last name
3. Date of birth
First name
Middle name
2. Any other names by which mother is or has been known
4. Social Security Number
5. Drivers license number & state
6. Mailing address and residence address (if different)
7. Eye color
8.Hair color
13. Home telephone number
9. Height
10. Weight
14. Work telephone number
11. Race
12. Scars, tattoos, etc.
15. Maiden name
16. Occupation
17. Business/Employer’s name and address
18. Gross weekly income
19. Has wife applied for or does she receive public assistance? If yes, please specify kind.
20. AFDC and recipient identification numbers
21. Father’s last name
23. Date of birth
First name
Middle name
22. Any other names by which father is or has been known
24. Social Security Number
25. Drivers license number
26. Mailing address and residence address (if different)
27. Eye color
28.Hair color
33. Home telephone number
29. Height
30. Weight
31. Race
34. Work telephone number
32. Scars, tattoos, etc.
35. Occupation
36. Business/Employer’s name and address
37. Gross weekly income
38. Has husband applied for or does he receive public assistance? If yes, please specify kind.
39. AFDC and recipient identification numbers
40. a. Name of minor child in case
b. Birth date
c. Age
d. S.S. Number
e. Residential address
41. a. Other minor child of either party
b. Birthdate
c. Age
d. S.S. Number
e. Residential address
42. Health care coverage available for each minor child:
a. Name of minor child
b. Name of policy holder
c. Name of insurance company/HMO
d. Policy/certificate/contract number
43. Names and addresses of person(s) other than parties, if any, who may have custody of child(ren) during pendency of this case.
I request child support services available under
title IV-D of the Social Security Act
(enforcement, locator, future modification).
Answering “YES” allows Oakland County to
qualify for federal funding.
FOC (5/97)
Applicant’s Signature (required):
I declare that the statements The Friend of the Court will not discriminate against any individual or group
above are true to the best of because of race, sex, religiion, age, national origin, color, marital status,
my information and belief.
political beliefs, or disability. If you need help with reading, writing, hearing,
etc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are invited to make your
needs known at the Friend of the Court office.
2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.