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STATE OF MICHIGAN SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OAKLAND COUNTY REQUEST FOR TRANSCRIPT FROM DIGITAL VIDEO RECORD OR COPY OF AUDIO/VISUAL HEARING RECORD CASE NO. Friend of the Court Policy Regarding Request for Audio/Visual Hearing Records. 1. The cost of each cassette tape/DVD/CD duplicated is $20.00. Some hearings may require more than one because of recording length. Required deposit of $20.00 due at time of order. If additional fees are due you will be contacted by phone when your order is complete. 2. Hearings held prior to 12/12/05 are available on cassette only. Typewritten transcripts would need to be obtained on your own by submitting the hearing tape(s) to whoever you choose to hire for this service. The cassette recording will be formatted to play on standard cassette players. 3. For hearings held as of 12/12/05, if you choose to receive a CD or DVD record, this media is formatted to be compatible with a personal computer. These will not be operational in standard DVD players nor car or personal CD players. Approved by, Suzanne Hollyer Friend of the Court 1. I request the following: (check applicable boxes) DUPLICATE HEARING RECORDING. (Hearings held prior to 12/12/05 available on cassette ONLY.) Please duplicate to a: DVD CD Cassette (must check one) Note: DVD and CDs are formatted to play on personal computers only. Cassettes are audible in standard cassette players. 2. TRANSCRIPT (Available for hearings held as of 12/12/05 ONLY) The cost of transcription must be paid by the requesting party, to the company, unless otherwise ordered by the court. For a certified transcript, this office must mail your duplicate recording (ordered above) directly to the transcription company. ___________________________ Requestor Name __________________________________________ Requestor Street Address __________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code __________________________________________ Requestor Phone Number _____________________________ Case Name _____________________________________________ Case Number Amount of Deposit Paid Cash Check M.O _____________________________________________ Date of Hearing Would you like your recording: Mailed (no charge) - or- Pick up in office. You may bring or mail a check or money order with this completed form to: Oakland County Friend of the Court 230 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI 48343 FOR FRIEND OF THE COURT USE ONLY DATE REQUEST AND DEPOSIT RECEIVED IN OFFICE:____________________________________________________________ TRANSCRIBING COMPANY:_____________________________________________________________________________________ DATE RECORDING MAILED TO TRANSCRIBING COMPANY:______________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. Transcribing Companies for Friend of the Court hearings held as of 12/12/05 in Video Courtrooms Typewritten transcript requests are ordered through the agency directly. Costs, delivery and payment arrangements are handled through the agency. Accurate Transcription Services Sandra Traskos 3746 Hedgerow Drive Saline MI 48176 Phone: 734-944-5818 Modern Court Reporting & Video, LLC Amy Shankleton-Novess 206 West Bennett Street Saline MI 48176 Phone: 734-429-9143 Fax: 734-429-9153 Theresa's Transcription Service Theresa Stevens PO Box 21067 Lansing MI 48909-1067 Phone: 517-882-0060 Fax: 517-882-0062 American LegalNet, Inc.