Objections To Ex Parte Order
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Filing Objections To Ex Parte Order And Proof Of Service Package Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Wayne Local County.
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Tags: Filing Objections To Ex Parte Order And Proof Of Service Package, FD-FOC 4029, Michigan Local County, Wayne
NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: DATE SIGNATURE FD/FOC4029 (11/17) OBJECTIONS TO EX PARTE ORDER/PROOF OF SERVICE STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF WAYNE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT FAMILY DIVISION OBJECTIONS TO EX PARTE ORDER P ROOF OF SERVICE CASE # JUDGE: COURT TELEPHONE NO. ( 877 ) 543 - 2660 PLAINTIFF NAME, ADDRESS, SOC SEC NO. VS DEFENDANT NAME, ADDRESS, SOC SEC NO. OBJECTIONS TO EX PARTE ORDER 1. I was served with the Ex Parte Order on: (DATE) 2. 3. I object to the following provisions in the Ex Parte Order: CUSTODY VISITATION SUPPORT 4. I object to the provisions checked above because: PROOF OF SERVICE On the date below, I sent a true co py of this OBJECTIONS TO EX PARTE ORDER by first class mail to: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: I declare the statements in this Proof of Service are true to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. DATE SIGNATURE American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com