Debt Management Employment List
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Debt Management Employment List Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Blue Sky Secretary Of State.
Tags: Debt Management Employment List, FIS-0511, Michigan Secretary Of State, Blue Sky
Debt Management Employment List Note: Complete a separate form for each branch office � Make copies as needed FIS 0511 (08/16) Department of Insurance and Financial Services Employee List for: Firm Name Firm's Home Address Branch Office Address Branch Manager's Name Branch Phone No. Employee's Name and Title (List Alphabetically) Certified Provider Date Employed as Counselor *Date of Certification Signature of Officer, Director, Partner, Proprietor or Member Date *Submit copy of certification certificate from Michigan approved provider. 1975 PA 148 as amended requires submission of this form by applicants for a license to do business as a debt management company. Failure to complete and submit this form properly could result in denial, suspension or revocation of your license. American LegalNet, Inc.