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Instructions For Filing A Complaint Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Blue Sky Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Instructions For Filing A Complaint, Michigan Secretary Of State, Blue Sky
The purpose of this complaint form is to alert the Michigan Division of Securities to
potential violations of the Michigan Uniform Securities Act. Please fill out the Complaint
Form as completely as possible to enable us to properly assess your situation. If you
have any questions concerning your complaint or the form, please feel free to contact
the Enforcement Section at (517) 241-6480.
Before filling out the attached complaint form, please take the time to read these
instructions; they will help you understand our functions, and we will be better able to
understand and act on your complaint.
We investigate complaints against persons and business entities accused of
violating the registration and antifraud provisions of the Michigan Uniform
Securities Act. We are empowered to bring administrative actions to stop the
violations, and, in appropriate cases, to refer matters to the Department of
Attorney General for civil actions or criminal prosecution.
The Michigan Uniform Securities Act regulates the sale of securities in or from
Michigan and requires the registration of securities industry professionals
(broker-dealers, agents and investment advisers). If you have a problem relating
to the purchase or sale of a security, we may be able to assist with a resolution of
the problem; however, please note the limitations on our authority to take action
described below.
We cannot act as a court of law, so we cannot order that monies be refunded,
contracts be cancelled, damages be awarded, etc. If you have this type of
problem you should consult an attorney.
We cannot act as your attorney.
We cannot take action in matters involving the internal affairs of a business
entity. We only have jurisdiction over the offer, sale or purchase of securities, not
over the way business is being conducted except in the case of securities
industry professionals (broker-dealers, agent and investment advisers).
Summarize your complaint using these guidelines: include how you first learned
of the investment (advertisement, personal contact).
American LegalNet, Inc.
Tell us WHAT happened. Start from the beginning. Be specific as to what was
said and who said it.
Tell us WHO was present during these conversations or acts.
Tell us WHEN and WHERE these conversations/acts took place.
Tell us WHEN and WHERE the money and agreements changed hands.
Tell us HOW you know the representations were false or HOW you know your
money was misused.
Attach photocopies of all documents such as contracts, agreements, certificates,
notes, trust deeds, correspondence, legible copies of the front and back of
checks involved, prospectus, advertising, etc. Documentary evidence is
especially important. Please do not send originals; we cannot be
responsible for their safekeeping.
Type or print clearly in ink.
Complete pages 3 through 8 and mail the form along with supporting documents
Office of Financial and Insurance Services
Division of Securities
P.O. Box 30701
Lansing, MI 48909-8201
American LegalNet, Inc.