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Issuer Agent Renewal Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Blue Sky Secretary Of State.
Tags: Issuer Agent Renewal, FIS-0524, Michigan Secretary Of State, Blue Sky
DUE ANNUALLY on or before
December 31st of the current year
FIS 0524 (11/03) Office of Financial and Insurance Services
Issuer-Agent Renewal
Name of Issuer
Your Issuer number
Address (street address, NOT PO Box)
Issuer MAILING ADDRESS (enter if different than address listed at left)
Check if your address
has changed since
your last renewal
Zip Code
Tax ID number (FEIN)
Check if your mailing address has changed since your last renewal
Contact person name and title
Contact person phone number
Contact person email address
Issuer-Agent listing
List each agent of this issuer. You may use the space below, or attach a substitute list prepared on your office automation equipment. If you choose a
substitute list, it must provide the same information in the same order as the format below. It must be in an easily readable typeface, 10 pt. or larger.
Name of agent
Home address (must be street address--no PO Boxes)
Home address (must be street address--no PO Boxes)
Zip Code
Agent Social Security Number
Name of agent
Zip code
Agent Social Security Number
Name of agent
Home address (must be street address--no PO Boxes)
Name of agent
Home address (must be street address--no PO Boxes)
Zip Code
Agent Social Security Number
Zip Code
Agent Social Security Number
Renewal Fee Calculation—Each Issuer-Agent is subject to a $65 per agent
renewal fee. Complete table below.
Mail completed form and any
attachments with payment to:
Amount Due
Agent Renewal (quantity x $65.00)
C3 Validation code: 9
Make check for full amount due payable
in US dollars to: State of Michigan
Office of Financial and Insurance Services
Qualification Assessment/Licensing Section
611 W Ottawa St
PO Box 30220
Lansing MI 48909-3127
I swear under penalty of perjury that the information given in and attached to this application is true, complete and correct.
Signature of officer, member or owner
Date signed
Signer's name and title (typed or printed)
Authority: PA 265 of 1964 as amended. Failure to properly file will result in expiration of your registration.
Visit OF IS on the Web at:
Phone OF IS toll-free at:
The Department of Consumer & Industry Services will not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status,
political beliefs or disability. If you need help with reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you may make your needs known to this agency.
American LegalNet, Inc.