Expedited Service Request
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Expedited Service Request Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Corporation Division Secretary Of State.
Tags: Expedited Service Request, 272, Michigan Secretary Of State, Corporation Division
CSCL/CD-272 (/1) MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRSCORPORATIONS, SECURITIES & COMMERCIAL LICENSING BUREAUCORPORATIONS DIVISIONP.O. BOX 30054LANSING, MI 48909-7554(517) 241-6470EXPEDITED SERVICE REQUEST Instructions:If you choose to utilize expedited services, submit a separate Expedited Service Request form for each document submitted in person or bymail for which expedited service is being requested. Expedited fees are in addition to the standard document fees and due when document is submitted. Please initial the appropriate box for the level of service requested 1 Hour 2 Hour 24 Hour Same DaySubmitters Information: Company Name (if applicable) TelephonePerson submitting this request ( )Document Information: Name of Corporation, LLC or Limited PartnershipID Number (existing entity) Type of document (articles, amendment, etc.) LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals withdisabilities. Expedited Service LevelFeesType of DocumentDeadline for receipt of document 1 Hour, same day2 Hour, same daySame day$1,000.00$500.00$100.00$200.00AnyAnyFormation/qualificationFor Any Existing Entity4:00 PM EST or EDT3:00 PM EST or EDT1:00 PM EST or EDT1:00 PM EST or EDT 24 Hours $50.00 $100.00Formation/qualification For Any Existing Entity BUREAU USE ONLY Agency AccountProfit Corporation (6813)Limited Liability Company (6814)Nonprofit Corporation (6815)Limited Partnership (6816) Amount Receipt Num:Check Num:Date/Time Received American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com