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Certificate Of Dissolution For Use By LLCs Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Corporation Division Secretary Of State.
Tags: Certificate Of Dissolution For Use By LLCs, 731, Michigan Secretary Of State, Corporation Division
CSCL/CD-731 (Rev. /1) EFFECTIVE DATE:Address(FOR BUREAU USE ONLY) MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRSCORPORATIONS, SECURITIES & COMMERCIAL LICENSING BUREAU Date Received This document is effective on the date filed, unless asubsequent effective date within 90 days after receiveddate is stated in the document. NameCityStateZIP Code Document will be returned to the name and address you enter above.If left blank, document will be returned to the registered office. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTIONFor use by Limited Liability Companies(Please read information and instructions on last page)Pursuant to the provisions of Act 23, Public Acts of 1993, the undersigned limited liability company executes the followingCertificate of Dissolution: 1.The name of the limited liability company is: 2.The identification number assigned by the Bureau is: 3.The reason for the dissolution is: (check only one) upon the happening of an event specified in the Articles of Organization or operating agreement. upon unanimous vote Signed thisday of, (Signature of Member, Manager, or Authorized Agent)By(Type or Print Name and Capacity)4. (Complete only if a effective date other than the date of filing is desired. This date must be no more than 90 daysafterreceipt of this document by the administrator.) This Certificate is hereby signed as required by Section 103 of the Act. American LegalNet, Inc. Submit with check or money order by mail: Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau Corporation Division P.O. Box 30054 Lansing, MI 48909To submit in person:2501 Woodlake CircleOkemos, MITelephone: (517) 241-6470 Fees may be paid by check, money order, VISAMasterard when delivered in person to our office. LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are availableupon request to individuals with disabilities. 3.Item 2 - Enter the identification number assigned by the Bureau. If this number is unknown, leave it blank.7.NONREFUNDABLE FEE: Make remittance payable to the State of Michigan. Include limited liability company name and identification number on check or money order............................................................................................................$10.00INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS1.This form may be used to draft your Certificate of Dissolution. A document required or permitted to be filed under the actcannot be filed unless it contains the minimum information required by the act. The format provided contains only theminimal information required to make the document fileable and may not meet your needs. This is a legal document andagency staff cannot provide legal advice.Submit one original of this document. Upon filing, the document will be added to the records of the Corporations,Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau. The original will be returned to your registered office address, unless you entera different address in the box on the front of this document. CSCL/CD-731 (Rev. /1)Preparer's NameBusiness telephone number( )2.Since this document will be maintained on electronic format, it is important that the filing be legible. Documents withpoor black and white contrast, or otherwise illegible, will be rejected.4.Item 3 - Check the appropriate box for dissolution pursuant to Sections 801(b) or (c) of the Act.5. The limited liability company must request a tax clearance within 60 days after submitting this certificate from the MichiganDepartment of Treasury, Tax Clearance , Lansing, MI 48922, (517) 636-5260. 6.This Certificate must be signed by a manager, if managed by one or more managers, a member if management remainsin the members, or an authorized agent of the company. American LegalNet, Inc. Optional expedited service.Expedited review and filing, if fileable, is available for all documents for profit corporations, limitedliability companies, limited partnerships and nonprofit corporations.The nonrefundable expedited service fee is in addition to the regular fees applicable to the specificdocument. Please complete a separate CSCL/CD-272 form for expedited service for each document submittedin person 24-hour service - $50 for formation documents and applications for certificate of authority.24-hour service - $100 for any document concerning an existing entity.Same day service Same day - $100 for formation documents and applications for certificate ofauthority.Same day - $200 for any document concerning an existing entity.Review completed on day of receipt. Document and request for same day expeditedservice must be received by 1 p.m. EST OR EDT.Two hour - $500Review completed within two hours on day of receipt. Document and request for two hourexpedited service must be received by 3 p.m. EST OR EDT.One hour - $1000Review completed within one hour on day of receipt. Document and request for 1 hourexpedited service must be received by 4 p.m. EST OR EDT.Documents submitted by mail are delivered to a remote location for receipts processing and arethen forwarded to the Corporation Division for review. Day of receipt for mailed expedited servicerequests is the day the Corporation Division receives the request. Rev. /1 American LegalNet, Inc.