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Claim Of Appeal Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Appeals Statewide.
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Tags: Claim Of Appeal, MC 55, Michigan Statewide, Appeals
Plaintiff222s/Petitioner222s name(s) and address(es) þ Appellant þ AppelleevDefendant222s/Respondent222s name(s) and address(es) þ Appellant þ þ AppelleePlaintiff222s attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no.Defendant222s attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. Probate þ In the matter of Other interested party(ies) of probate matter Approved, SCAO þ Original - Court of Appeals/Circuit court1st copy - Trial courtJIS CODE: COA2nd copy - Appellee3rd copy - AppellantSTATE OF MICHIGANJUDICIAL CIRCUIT þ DISTRICT COUNTY IN THE COURT OF APPEALS CLAIM OF APPEALCASE NO.CIRCUITDISTRICTPROBATECourt addressCourt telephone no.1. þ Name claims an appeal from a final judgment or order entered on þ Date in the Court name and number or county Court of the State of Michigan, þ by þ district judge þ circuit judge þ probate judge þ district court magistrate þ Name of judge or district court magistrate Bar no. .2. þ Bond on appeal is þ filed. þ attached. þ waived. þ not required.3. þ þ a. þ The transcript has been ordered. þ þ b. þ The transcript has been filed. þ þ c. þ No record was made. þ 4. þ THIS CASE INVOLVES þ þ a. þ A CONTEST AS TO THE CUSTODY OF A MINOR CHILD. þ þ b. þ AN ADULT OR MINOR GUARDIANSHIP UNDER THE ESTATES AND PROTECTED INDIVIDUALS CODE OR þ UNDER THE MENTAL HEALTH CODE. þ þ c. þ AN INVOLUNTARY MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT CASE UNDER THE MENTAL HEALTH CODE. þ þ d. þ A RULING THAT A PROVISION OF THE MICHIGAN CONSTITUTION, A MICHIGAN STATUTE, A RULE OR þ REGULATION INCLUDED IN THE MICHIGAN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, OR ANY OTHER ACTION OF THE þ LEGISLATIVE OR EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF STATE GOVERNMENT IS INVALID. Date þ Appellant/Attorney signatureI certifiy that copies of this claim of appeal and bond (if required) were served on þ Name on Date by þ personal service. þ first-class mail. Name on Date by þ personal service. þ first-class mail. Name on Date by þ personal service. þ first-class mail. Date þ SignaturePROOF OF SERVICE American LegalNet, Inc.