Claim Of Appeal On Denial Of Application For Concealed Weapon License Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Claim Of Appeal On Denial Of Application For Concealed Weapon License Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Appeals Statewide.
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Tags: Claim Of Appeal On Denial Of Application For Concealed Weapon License, CC 79, Michigan Statewide, Appeals
1. I appeal the a. statement of statutory disqualification as provided by the county clerk under MCL 28.425b(11) because: (Specify the reasons on a separate sheet. Attach supporting documentation.) b. failure to provide a receipt under þ MCL 28.425b(1) by the county clerk. MCL 28.425b(9) by en-USName of entity alleged to have failed to provide receipten-US . þ MCL 28.425l(3) by the þ Michigan State Police. þ en-US county clerk. c. failure of the county clerk to issue or reinstate a license to carry a concealed pistol. en-US2.I am filing this appeal in the circuit court of the county in which I reside. en-USDate en-USAppellant/Attorney signatureen-USI request that the county clerk send a certified copy of the record to the en-USCircuit court number or name of countyen-US Circuit Court.en-USI certify that on this date I served a copy of this claim of appeal on all parties and the county clerk by first-class mail addressed en-USto their last-known addresses as defined by MCR 2.107(C)(3). en-USDate en-USSignatureen-USCLAIM OF APPEAL en-USREQUEST FOR CERTIFIED RECORD en-USCERTIFICATE OF MAILING American LegalNet, Inc.